Box Sets
Planet Studios started making "Collector Edition Box Sets" around 1991. The first few had original pins with a reason for having a special set, like an anniversary, or an artist. Then they started to have sets with a few old pins and a single new pin. Then they went with the cheaper painted type pin with a generic type background. The last type were exclusively for the X-Men or Spider-Man.
The Jack Kirby Collection Vol. 1
Jack Kirby was the "King" of comics who worked tirelessly from the 1940's till the 1980's creating some of the best known of Marvel's Super-Heroes. There almost wasn't a comic he hadn't worked on during that period. At one point in the early 1960's Stan Lee had him pencilling six comics as well as the covers for others - he even drew the cover of Amazing Fantasy #15 - the first appearance of Spider-Man.
If you want to learn more about Jack Kirby or his early writing partner, Joe Simon, I recommend the biography "Kirby" by Mark Evanier, or the autobiography "My Life In Comics" by Joe Simon.
This box set of pin's was made in 1991. A limited edition of 2500 of all original pins. It's called Jack Kirby Collection Vol.1. On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory, this is listed as -ART-1 Kirby set 1
Art1-e1 Kirby surfer (vol. 1)
Art1-e2 Kirby surfer
Art1-e3 Kirby Thor
Art1-e4 Kirby X-men
Art1-e5 Kirby Hulk
Art1-e6 Kirby Captain America

The Ghost Rider Box Set
Made in 1991 - A limited series of 1500 of all original pins. It features both the hosts and the different styles of the character. Unfortunately, it also has a cover pin - which is a blank brass pin with a sticky label reproduction cover. These, if left on display or any light at all, will fade in time.
Listed on the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory as Planet pins # 135.136,137.

Made in 1991. Reproduction of of the cover of Ghost Rider issue #13.

Spider-Man : 30th Anniversary - John Romita Snr.
Made in 1992. A limited edition of 1500. This was to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the first appearance of Spider-Man and is signed by John Romita Sr. There is another 30th Anniversary edition signed by Stan Lee, which I'm afraid I don't have or any images of it.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory this is listed as - SM302 Spiderman 30th pin set 2

Made in 1992.

Spider-Man : Venom : Carnage Collector's ​Pin Set
This set was made in 1993 and was limited to 2500. It was made to cash in on the Venom, Carnage verse Spider-Man storyline appearing in the comics at the time.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory this is listed as - VSC-1 Spider-Man, venom, carnage set.

Made in 1993. A painted type pin, not made in cloisonne.

the Amazing Spider-Man : Collector Pin Set
This was made in 1994 and has no special features like signatures and doesn't say it is a limited set. The pins are very poor quality, and it has horrid yellow plastic pin stops on the back, which when I opened this set, were starting to melt into the backing foam. On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory, this is listed as - SM-3 Spider-Man box.

SBOX-1A Spiderman

Made in 1994. Planet pin # SBOX-1C Venom. Soft enamel type pin.

SBOX-1A Spiderman
X-Men : Collector Pin Set #1
And now the worst of Planet Studio's - their "Collector Pin Set's". The quality is appalling, the pin stops and the nasty yellow plastic type and I know there are more out there, but I can't justify to myself the price.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory, this is listed as - XBOX3 -
Xbox3a Wolverine on X number three
Xbox3b Xavier icon
Xbox3c Rogue on X

Made in 1993. Planet pin # Xbox3c Rogue on X. Soft enamel type pin.

X-Men : Collector Pin Set #2
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory, this is listed as - XBOX2 -
Xbox2a Wolverine on X number two
Xbox2b Danger room
Xbox2c Gambit on X

X302 X-Men 30th number two pin set

Made in 1993. Planet pin # Xbox2c Gambit on X. Soft enamel type pin.

X302 X-Men 30th number two pin set
Captain America 1941 - 1991 : 50th Anniversary Commemorative Pin set
Made to celebrate Cap's 50th year of existence. This is one of the best Pin Set's that Planet made. My favourite is the Red Skull with his big cheesy grin and raised eyebrow.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory is listed as
127 captain A. 50th commemorative
127-9 Captain commemorative set
128 Bucky
129 Red Skull

Made in 1991. In a plain black plastic box, nothing written on the underside.

Made in 1991.

Made in 1991.

Made in 1991. In a plain black plastic box, nothing written on the underside.
Maximum Carnage Pin Set
Maximum Carnage was a fourteen part story that spanned across all the Spider-Man titles in 1993. It was a fairly pointless story where in every issue Spider-Man met some other heroes. Now with my older cynical eyes, I can see it was simply a fill in and advertisement for the console game that came out six months later and the extra characters were there simply for the game. On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory this is listed as - MC-P1 maximum carnage boxed pin set

Made in 1994. A limited series of 3500. All original cloisonne pins.

Made in 1994. A limited series of 3500. All original cloisonne pins.
Spider-Man Pin Gallery
This is a nice set of Spider-Man, but only two seem to be newly designed pins - the Spider bug and the pin on certificate - and those are variations of earlier pins. Also, the pin next to the certificate, has a slightly different colour on the square and the details seem sharper than the same pin I already have. It also has a QVC television sticker on the back, so this set must have been sold that way - I wonder how much for?
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory this is listed as - MPG01 Spider-Man gallery pin collection and also MPG1B tracer for gallery set & MPG1A Spider-Man pin for gallery set

Wolverine Pin Gallery
Release in 1995 - Again only two original pins - the Patch pin and the gold claws pin. These aren't part of my collection, but the pictures were provided by Ryan Marks.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory this is listed as - MPG02 wolverine pin gallery set and only the plains clothed Wolverine (MPG2A wolverine for watch box) & the small brass claws (MPG2B snikt for watch box) were made especially for this set.

Hobgoblin & Pumpkin Bomb
While not a box set, these two pins were sold together and make a good set. Made in 1994 and sold in a sealed bag. There are no collectors set limited issue tags on this, but I believe it is rare.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventor - Planet pin #355A for Hobgoblin & #355B for the Pumpkin bomb

Fantastic Four Emblems
Again, not a boxed set, but four emblem pins stuck on a card and sealed in a plastic bag. Made in 1995, I believe this is based on the cartoon, running in that era rather than the comic.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory, this is listed as -
1015 fantastic four torch logo
1015B fantastic four pin set
1016 fantastic four thing logo
1017 fantastic four invisible woman logo
1018 fantastic four Mr. fantastic logo

Bone Box Set
The Bone Box set was made in 1994 and seems to be the start of their separation from Marvel. It includes three pins and signed by Jeff Smith, Bone's artist & creator.

Made in 1994.

Made in 1994.
X-Men 30 Years Box Set
Released in 1993, each box contained three soft enamel pins. I have the pins from sets #2 & #3 but not in the boxes. Many thanks to Ryan Mark for providing the pictures.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory this is listed as - X32 X-Men box blue

On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory this is listed as - X31 X-Men set red.

On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory, this is listed as - X33 x-Men box yellow.

Punisher & bullet on card

Recognise the pose? See more on the Matching the Swipped Images page.

These two pins appear on card (black and white's cityscape) like, as in the Hobgoblin set - sealed in a plastic bag.
On the Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery : Marvel Product Inventory, this is listed as -
393 punisher/bullet pin pair
393A Punisher cutout (Miller)
393B Bullet
The scanned background card thanks to James Hernandez

Dawn Box Set
A three pin box set for Dawn for Sirius Comics ... I don't know much about the character other than the Good Girl/Demon art and plot. Not in my collection. Many thanks to Michael Tadlock for the pictures.