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Silver Sufer

The Silver Surfer was created by Jack Kirby. The character first appeared in Fantastic Four #48 (March 1966), the first of a three-issue arc that fans call "The Galactus Trilogy".

Originally, Norrin Rad, a young astronomer of the planet Zenn-La, made a bargain with the cosmic entity Galactus, pledging to serve as his herald in order to save his home world from destruction. Imbued in return with a tiny portion of Galactus's Power, Cosmic Radd acquired vast power and a new version of his original appearance. Galactus also created for Radd a surfboard-like craft — modelled after a childhood fantasy of his — on which he would travel at speeds beyond that of light. Known from then on as the Silver Surfer, Radd began to roam the cosmos searching for new planets for Galactus to consume. When his travels finally took him to Earth, the Surfer came face-to-face with The Fantastic Four, a team of powerful superheroes that helped him to rediscover his nobility of spirit. Betraying Galactus, the Surfer saved Earth but was punished in return by being exiled there


These pins relate to the Silver Surfer's second series that ran from 1987 to 1998 and lasted 148 issues.


Also, please check the "More" tab - there was another French company called Saggay that made Silver Surfer pins around the same period, but based on the earlier, first series with art by John Buscema.



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