Planet Pin Numbers
For a number of years I have heard rumours about a "Planet Number List" where all the Planet pins are listed and numbered. Finally, someone has posted it on eBay. It's not a complete list, with quite a few blank spaces and a few pins I have which aren't listed, so this is in no way a complete list, but interesting all the same. The lister has given me permission to post these pages. He knew the owners of Planet Studio's and always thought their products were fabulous.
The lister (Jeff) has also given me a complete list of Planet Studio's Pin & Jewellery - Marvel Production Inventory, which is below the scanned pins. It fills in some of the blanks and also adds some intriguing prospects.
The first list isn't complete, so I've added the missing picture of the pin where there is a blank, where I can. Yes, I realise this is the ultimate nerdom, but I've also added notes to any missing numbers or mistakes I find on the original list.
Both pin #024 & 027 are Dark Horse Comic characters, Concrete & the American

Pin #026 - Conan - I've received positive proof this is a Planet Studio pin, but not based on the comic but Conan The Barbarian film of 1982.
The difference between #051 & #052 Wolverine is smoking (rare) and non-smoking. Also the quote is in a different font.

What is that pin above #066 Mary Jane? Female character saying "Leave Me Alone".
pin #113- missing number? Does that mean they didn't produce the pin or the person who compiled the list couldn't find it?
pin #135 - Yondu (may not have been made).

pin 146 - Sentinels reproduction pin - I spent ages looking for a pin with the X-men villains the Sentinels when I suddenly realise they meant the Captain America 1940's reproduction pin.
pin # 154 - the Thing? Was it made?
pin #176 - She-Hulk no.2 (may not have been made).
pin #205 - Cloak cut out.
pin #206 - ? - May have never been made.

pin #188 Lockheed cut out - there are two other Lockheed pins #088 & #253...

pin #237 - missing number

Pin #321 is listed a Speedball, but I don't believe this pin was ever made. Adam Konkle found this ad in an issue of Previews. Great pin, but still don't think it was ever produced.

#330 - Bloodhawk,
a member of X-men 2099.

Pin #383 - Venom - there was no picture on this list and a friend Richard Hartford has provided this image.
Pin #388 is same figure as #227 but slightly larger & the background box cut out.

pin #380 - One Nation Under Doom 2099. I wasn't sure this pin had been made until a friend showed me his... thanks Adam.
I messaged Jeff, the eBay seller, for permission to use these pages, and he kindly gave it... A few days later he emailed me to say how much he enjoyed the site and also a complete list of the Marvel Production Inventory.... Which is like the Holy Grail for this site... He says he knew the owners of Planet and that's how he came by the information. Not only does the list show the pins, but variants, like the fact they used on certain pins, both copper & zinc (gold & silver coloured) bases. Also, that some pins came with alternative colouring. This isn't a full list as I've found gaps and only having, at most, two or three words of description means it's hard to find the revenant pin number.
There are gaps it the above list, but with this production list I can (mostly) fill it out.
Planet Studio Pins & Jewellery - Marvel Products Inventory
001 R&b Spiderman cutout
002 R&b Spiderman panel #1
003 punisher panel number 1
004 wolverine profile cut out
005 leaping wolverine panel
006 leaping wolverine cut out
007 black Spiderman cut out
008 captain America round panel
009 X-factor logo
010 Silver surfer panel
011 silver surfer cut out
012 R&b Spiderman panel #2
013 longshot logo
014 daredevil profile cut out
014B Daredevil black
015 punisher skull number 1
016 fantastic 4
017 Elektra panel sword sheathed
018 elektra panel sword raised
019 Iron Man flying cut out
020 Iron Man logo
021 X-Men logo
022 spider head
023 concrete - Not a Marvel character
024 the Nam
025 snikt
026 Conan - (may not have been made)
027 the American - Not a Marvel character
028 Dr. doom
029 Phoenix
030 Thor
031 wolverine claw
032 new mutants logo
033 daredevil logo
034 hulk logo
035 wolverine logo
036 thing logo
037 The avengers logo
038 Doctor Strange logo
039 punisher logo
040 captain America shield
041 thing head
042 Spiderman logo
043 nightcrawler panel
044 Excalibur logo
045 clobberin’ time
046 Havok panel
047 Hawkeye logo
048 captain America black
049 storm panel
050 meltdown logo
051 Galactus panel
052 wolvie panel; 2 versions, 1 smoking
053 cyclops “let’s go”
054 Spiderman panel
055 punisher war journal logo
056 colossus cutout
057 thwip panel
058 punisher skull number 2
059 punisher panel number 2
060 captain Britain cutout
061 fantastic four logo
062 Moonknight panel
063 surfer panel
064 incredible hulk
065 power pack logo
066 Mary Jane Watson panel
067 she hulk panel
068 spider symbol
069 shield logo
070 Iron Man
071 daredevil panel
072 Dr. strange
073 cloak and dagger logo
074 human torch
075 wolvie profile panel
076 Nth man logo
077 boom boom panel
078 captain America number 2
079 rogue cutout
080 warlock panel
081 silver surfer logo
082 hobgoblin cut out
083 Spiderman tracer
084 black cat figure
085 beast cut out
086 Spiderman figure
087 punisher figure
088 Lockheed figure
089 classic X-Men logo
090 shadowcat figure
091 shield symbol
092 Mr. fantastic
093 Dr. octopus figure
094 Thor’s hammer
095 Captain Britain
096 sabertooth
097 Beta Rey Bill
098 wolverine number 5
099 nightcrawler panel
100 punisher number 4
101 rogue
102 X-Men symbol
103 ghostrider skull
104 damage control dog
105 wolverine cut out number 3
106 Namor submariner
107 green hulk
108 Nick fury
109 captain America logo
110 Make mine marvel
111 thor figure
112 punisher versus wolverine
(113 missing number)
114 surfer number 4
115 magneto
116 warlock number two
117 shield seal
118 wonderman
119 red skull
120 captain America number four
121 punisher number 5
122 Electra number three
123 Iron Man number three
124 daredevil number 3
125 Hulk versus wolvie (H vs W#2)
126 ghost rider logo
127 captain A. 50th commemorative
127-9 Captain commemorative set
128 Bucky
129 redskull
130 McFarlane Spiderman number two
131 Elektra cut out number four
132 Hulk cutout number three
133 Doctor Strange panel number 2
134 deathlok head
135 yondu panel - (may not have been made)
136 bullseye
137 wasp panel
138 Spiderman panel number 4
139 punisher skull number three
140 Johnny blaze
141 Megan panel
142 phoenix panel number two
143 deathlok logo
144 lizard panel
145 punisher/ghostrider
146 sentinels repro
147 Elektra panel number four
148 wolverine panel
149 iron Man cutout number two
150 ghost rider cutout
151 I punish NY
152 ghost rider panel
153 weapon X logo
154 the thing
155 slashing wolverine
156 spider number two
157 namor cut out
158 punisher number six
159 mutant school
160 ghostrider cutout number two
161 ghostrider skull number 2
162 original cap Shield
163 venom
164 ghostrider skull number three
165-7 Ghost rider boxed set
165 Ghost Rider - Johnny Blaze
166 Ghost Rider - Danny Ketch
167 Ghost Rider cover pin
168 guardians star
169 round Spidey head
170 Thor cutout number two
171 Captain America cutout number two
172 spidey panel number 5
173 Psylocke panel
174 punisher panel
175 captain A. 50th year
176 she hulk number two (may not have been made)
177 green hulk cutout
178 shield symbol II
179 Rahne
180 Black spidey panel
181 Thanos panel
182 silver surfer number five
183 punisher helmet
184 Elektra panel
185 storm panel number two
186 gambit
187 wolverine cut out
188 Lockheed cut out
189 x-force logo
190 new X-Men symbol
191 gambit cutout
192 archangel panel
193 beast cutout
194 magneto cut out
195 Jubilee cut out
196 rogue cut out
197 wolvie panel
198 Iron Man cutout
199 Snikt Circle
200 iceman
201 cyclops
202 Spidey Holiday
203 punisher Holiday
204 cable panel
205 cloak cut out
(206 missing number)
207 Hulk cut out
208 ghostrider
209 punisher war zone logo
210 golden age marvel logo
211 daredevil DD
212 Spidey mask
213 Spiderman panel
214 triple skull pin
215 nomad logo
216 venom head
217 Thanos shield
218 flying hulk
219 silver surfer pin 92
220 S. M. 30th
221 sabertooth cut out
222 omega red cut out
223 new warriors logo
224 deathlok panel
225 wolverine cut out
226 marvel logo
227 carnage panel
228 daredevil cut out
229 rogue panel
230 spirits of vengeance
231 Morbius figure
232 punisher
233 Adam warlock
234 cable logo
235 bishop
236 carnage head
(237 missing number)
238 Spiderman 2099
239 ghost rider
240 silver spider
241 Morbius logo
242 wolverine Holiday
243 hobgoblin
244 pumpkin bomb
245 colossus
246 Spiderman panel
247 ravage 2099
248 venom figure
249 bishops medallion
250 silver surfer figure
251 Spiderman 2099 head
252 wolverine figure
253 Lockheed
254 J. blaze
255 punisher 2099 skull
256 Spiderman 2099 figure
257 Psylocke
258 cable figure
259 venom figure
260 punisher 2099
261 doom 2099
262 venom head 2
263 darkhawk
264 Spidey’s spider
265 wolverine head
266 Iron Man panel
267 doomsday spider
268 venom spider
269 punisher 2099
270 avengers 30th
271 cable head
272 Spidey/venom
273 human torch
274 sleepwalker
275 Spiderman
276 rogue
277 stryfe helmet
278 punisher bomb
279 carnage panel number two
280 X-men’s 30th
281 venom cut out number three
282 wolverine cutout
283 vengeance head
284 flaming fist
285 warlock figure
286 Havok figure
287 cable cutout
288 nighthrasher
289 sabertooth
290 Deadpool
291 X-Men 30 years
292 snikt pin number two
293 magneto panel
294 Sentinel
295 hulk 2099
296 carnage claw
297 Spiderman Cut out
298 carnage cut out
299 gambit cut out
300 X-Men 2099 logo
301 thunderstrike
302 wolverine cutout
303 cyclops panel
304 wolverine
305 nightcrawler
306 bloodaxe
307 vision
308 Jubilee
309 avengers symbol
310 Spidey face
311 midnight sons dagger
312 captain America Head
313 punisher skull 2099
314 spidey 2099
315 ghostrider symbol
316 storm cut out
317 hulk holiday
318 cable panel
319 magneto head
320 daredevil
321 speedball
322 gambit logo
323 daredevil panel
324 war machine
325 thing
326 Jean Grey
327 corner box pin number one
328 mutatis
329 sabertooth
330 blood hawk
331 Gambit
332 Ghost Rider 2099
333 hulk
334 beast
335 Spiderman
336 wolverine corner box
337 green goblin
338 Iron Man 2020
339 gambit
340 Meanstreak
341 hulk corner box
342 Deadpool
343 Professor Xavier
344 Bishop
345 strong guy
346 psylocke
347 wolverine panel
348 venom cut out
349 cannonball
350 cyclops cut out
351 nightcrawler cut out
352 silver surfer
353 Elektra
354 punisher panel
355 hobgoblin/bomb pin pair
355A hobgoblin
355B bomb
356 the lizard
357 rogue cutout
358 scarlet spider cutout 1
359 generation X symbol
360 Thor
361 venom holiday
362 thing holiday
363 Jubilee
364 banshee
365 skin
366 penance
367 venom
368 wolverine
369 wolverine alternate time
370 sabertooth/wildchild
371 Monet
372 rogue
373 wolverine
374 emplate
375 sabertooth
376 rogue
377 gambit
378 Jubilee
379 Spiderman
380 doom universe
381 storm
382 gateway; not produced
383 venom
384 silver surfer
385 white queen; not produced
386 snikt; not produced
387 clone
388 carnage
389 Psylocke
390 cyclops
391 gambit on bike
392 Spiderman
393 punisher/bullet pin pair
393A Punisher cutout (Miller)
393B Bullet
ART-1 Kirby set 1
Art1-e1 Kirby surfer (vol. 1)
Art1-e2 Kirby surfer
Art1-e3 Kirby Thor
Art1-e4 Kirby X-men
Art1-e5 Kirby Hulk
Art1-e6 Kirby Captain America
MM93 cowboy hat Spidey
MM94 Spidey ski mask
(excl. prod. by req. for Marvel admin.)
PAR-1 Punisher/Archie
VOTE-1 Spidey elect. Pin
MRI-1 MRI pins spidey/venom
(?) unsure of this listing; could be a part# for a one time sale of an assortment
1000 X pin number one plain
1001 X-men icon pin
(1002 missing number)
1003 venom head metal pin
1004 carnage head metal pin
1005 surfer metal pin
1006 Spidey etched pin
1007 gambit etched pin
1008 fantastic four gold
1009 GP Spidey tracer pin
1010 X men logo photo etched
1011 generation X logo
1012 Spidey head pin gold plate
1013 venom head gold plate
1014 generation X icon
1015 fantastic four torch logo
1015B fantastic four pin set
1016 fantastic four thing logo
1017 fantastic four invisible woman logo
1018 fantastic four Mr. fantastic logo
1019 alternate X-Men logo
1020 Nick fury patch pin
1021 ‘twipp’ pin
1022 weapon X Logo
A001 Spiderman
A002 captain shield
A003 hulk
A004 Captain America photo etched
A005 punisher panel photo etched
A006 ghost rider photo etched
A007 Wolverine
B-11 Ghost rider big pin
BP1 big pin Spiderman
BP2 big punisher skull
BP3 Shield big pin
BP4 ghost rider skull
BP5 punisher cut out skull
BP6 Spidey head
BP7 3-skull
BP8 silver spider
BP9 venom
BP 10 carnage
BP11 silver surfer
BP12 venom figure
BP13 burn
(BP14 missing number)
BP15 Wolverine
BP16 X-Men
BP17 spider
BP18 silver surfer
BP19 generation X
CCP-1 Uncanny X-Men #1 cover pin
CCP-1 Fantastic four #1 cover pin
Ccp-pun1 Punisher #1
Cp-1P Platinum Spiderman number one
CP2 wolverine number one
CP3 Spiderman number two
CP4 X-force number one
CP5 X force number two
CP6 X force number three
CP7 X force number for
CP8 X force number five
CP X1A x-Men number one version A
CPX1B x-Men number one version B
CPX1C X-Men number one version C
CPX1D X-Men number one version D
CPX1E X-Men number one deluxe
CPX2 X-Men number two
CPX3 X-Men number three
CPX4 X-Men number four
CP1 Spiderman number one
FFB1 fantastic four box set number 1
FFB1B human torch
FFB1C Mr. fantastic
FFB1D Thing
GX1 generation X set number 1
GX1A generation X box chamber
GX1B generation X box penance
GX1C generation X box Monet
MC-P1 maximum carnage boxed pin set
MCP1A maximum carnage box Spiderman
MCP1B maximum carnage box carnage
MCP1C Maximum carnage box logo
MPG01 Spiderman gallery pin collection
MPG02 wolverine pin gallery set
MPG1A Spiderman pin for gallery set
MPG1B tracer for gallery set
MPG2A wolverine for watch box
MPG2B snikt for watch box
MPG-1AGP Gold spidey cut out
SBOX-1A Spiderman
SBOX-1B tracer
SBOX-1C venom
SM-3 Spiderman box
SM301 Spidey’s 30th year pin set
SM302 Spiderman 30th pin set 2
SMP1 Spidey vs. punisher box pin set
SMP1A punisher/Spidey set Spidey
SP1 warlock sculp. pin
SP3 sculpted P. skull
TBZ-3 gambit and rogue pin
TBZ01 Spidey-Mary Jane pin
TBZ02 wolverine keychain - Toy biz
VSC-1 Spiderman, venom, carnage set
X301 x-men pin set one
X302 X-Men 30th number two pin set
X303 X-Men 30th number three pin set
X31 X-Men set red
X32 X-Men box blue
X33 x-Men box yellow
XBOX1a wolverine on X number 1
XBox1c cyclops on X
Xbox2a Wolverine on X number two
Xbox2b Danger room
Xbox2c Gambit on X
Xbox3a Wolverine on X number three
Xbox3b Xavier icon
Xbox3c Rogue on X
MF-1 max. force pin #1 (Marvel?)
Marvel Blister Pack:
M1-1 wolverine badge
M1-2 cyclops badge
M13 storm badge
M14 rogue badge
M15 gambit badge
M16 wolverine panel
M17 gambit panel
M18 bishop panel
M19 cyclops panel
M110 cable badge
M111 Spiderman
M112 Venom Circle
M113 Iron Man cutout
M114 Spiderman cut up
M115 venom cutout
M116 wolverine cut out
M117 gambit cut out
M118 thing cut out
M119 human torch cut out
M120 Spiderman number 2 cut out
M121 green goblin cut out
M122 wolverine number 2 cut out
M123 Storm cut out
M124 cyclops cut out
M125 Jubilee cutout
M1-26 rogue cut out
M1-27 hulk cutout
M2-1 Spiderman printed pin
M2-2 Wolverine printed
M2-3 venom printed
M2-4 Rogue printed
MK1 X icon keychain
MK2 Spidey keychain
MK3 Xavier’s keychain
MK4 captain America keychain
MRV-1 X men icon pin
MRV-2 Spidey face
MRV-3 Xavier’s icon
MRV-4 captain America shield
Marvel jewelry:
021-c-bl pair x-cuffs black-logo
022-c-bl pair c-cuffs red-logo
023-c-re x-Men logo cuff pair
022 M Spidey head money clip
022S Spidey studs
022CL small cufflinks
022CT small Collar tips pair GP
190C pair X cuff links
190CBL pair X cuff round black
190CR pair X cuff round red
190CRE X symbol cuff pair
190S X-Men studs
310M Spidey head money clip
GIJR GI joe ring
X-cuff X men cufflinks pair
005B wolvie bolo
007a Black Spiderman earring
008PE captain America photo etched
010K surfer key ring
015a punisher skull earring
015T punisher tie tack
016K fantastic four key ring
016a fantastic four earring
021KX men key ring
022-10 Medium Spidey ring silver
022-12 Large Spidey ring silver
022-14 14k small ring
022-8 small Spidey ring silver
022B Spidey head bolo
022D pair Spidey earrings
022K Spidey head key ring
022RB bronze Spiderman ring
022RS silver Spiderman ring
022SD pair Spiderman ear dangle
022a Spidey head Earring
022C pair Spidey cufflinks
022T Spidey Tie tack
040K captain America key ring
040a captain shield earring
040T captain tie tack
054K Spidey key ring
058B punisher bolo tie
058F skull with pearls
058K punisher Key ring
058M punisher Money clip
102K X key ring
102T X Tie tack
103K ghost rider key ring
103a ghost rider earring
127K captain America keychain
130B spidey bolo tie
130m Spidey money clip
139B cut out punisher bolo
139PM punisher bookmark
139D Pair punisher skull earrings
139G gold plate punisher skull brooch
139K punisher chrome keychain
146B sentinels bolo
147T Ghost rider gas cap tie tack
161B ghost rider bolo
161a ghost rider Skull stud earring
178a shield earring
182K surfer keychain
190-2b X men bolo
190B X-Men bolo
190D Pair X symbol earrings
190K X-Men keychain
190T X-Men tie tack
190Tb X men tie bar
190A X stud earring
190A-S x-Men earring sterling silver
214B triple skull bolo
216b venom bolo
240b silver spider bolo
244a pumpkin bomb stud earring
244D pumpkin bomb dangle earring pair
248B carnage bolo
267b spider bolo
268K venom spider keychain
359b Generation X bolo
359a generation X stud earring
BB-P punisher belt buckle
BB-X X-Men belt buckle
BP15K wolverine keychain
BP18B silver surfer bolo
EC1B bronze Spiderman figure
EC1S silver Spiderman figure
GC-K gas cap keychain
MDT01 Spidey medal gold plate
MDT02 Spidey medal nickel plate
PD1G 14 K gold Spidey pendant
PD1S sterling Spidey pendant/pin
PD2G 14 K gold silver surfer pendant/pin
PD3G 14 K wolverine pendant
PD3S wolverine pendant sterling silver
PD4G 14 K venom pendant
PD4S silver venom pendant
PD6G captain America pendant 14 K
PD6S captain America pendant silver
S-022 Sterling spider head
SSXP1 Sterling silver X-Men pin
SSXP2 Sterling Xavier’s pin
STM-A storm earrings pair
083-S Silver Spiderman tracer
139-S silver punisher skull
022SMD small Spidey head dangle
022LGD large Spidey head dangle
139F Large punisher skull flat
022F large Spidey head flat
068F large spider flat
(flats used for money clips, etc.)
The following pins have two versions of base metal - one copper, one zinc:
011 silver surfer
012 spiderman
017 elektra
018 elektra with sword
030 Thor
031 snik
041 thing head
050 galactus
051 wolverine smoking
061fantasticfour logo
119 red skull
A001 spiderman?
The following pins are seen in different colors:
021 red and yellow, black and silver - X-men logo
054 ivory, yellow, dull yellow – spiderman panel
056 white, blue - colossus
084 white, ivory – black cat
101 white, gray backgrounds – rogue panel
122 light blue, dark blue backgrounds - electra
133 multicolored, black and white – Dr strange
156 crimson, burgundy, red – hanging spider
214 ivory, dull pink – three skulls
226 white/blue, blue/white, red/blue,
blue/red, orange/green, yellow/green - Marvel logo
292 yellow and black, black and blue – snikt pin number two
The following pin has two sizes:
048 small, regular - the captain
The following pins were likely not produced:
135 - Yondu
176 - She-hulk no.2

He also gave me this image of a pin that the workers at Planet had made for themselves - a Planet 7cents pin. Does anyone want to sell me one?

This confused me... X31-X33 red, blue & yellow actually refers to the top colouring and doesn't list the pins in the boxes. .
M1-1 - M1-27 are for the blister pack pins. Sold in two series with a few odd ones added on.

Below is an example of a blister pack - This is M13 storm badge

This is 1015B - FantasticFour pin set. Which contained pins 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018.

216b - Venom Bolo
#331 & #332 on the original list Gambit was #332, but there was a blank for #331. Checking the above picture list, it was clear the Ghost Rider 2099 had been left out & the Gambit had been misnumbered.
Pins 1000 to 1022 seem to be all base metal pins and have no enamel on them
Pins A001 to A007 all seem to be photo etched pins - Slightly different from the normal soft & hard enamel pins.
BP1 - BP19 - BP simply means Big Pin.
CCP, CP. & CPX just means Cover Photo - the only one not on this list is for the Ghost Rider Box set.
FFB1 - Means Fantastic Four Box-set.
I've never seen one so if anyone has any pictures?
GX1 - again simply means Genertion X box set - and again I've never seen one. I have been told they never made it, only the Penance (pin 365) and Monet (pin 371) . No chamber pin was made
MCP1 - is for the Maximum Carnage box-set... seen lots of these.
MPG1 & MPG2 - stands for Marvel Pin Gallery - 1 was Spider-Man & 2 was Wolverine. Each box contained 5 pins but only 2 were original, a metal pin & a hard enamel pin.
MK1 to MK4 are blister pack key rings.
(see Advertising for example)
MRV-1 to MRV-4 are blister packed pins using the same images from the above key rings.
Looking at this list, I've found that if Planet made a normal pin, then used that image or blank (pin without a pin on the back). They would simply use the original inventory number and add a letter at the end to denote what that item was, i.e.
a = earring
b = bolo
c = cuff links
ct = collar tips
d = ear dangle/ear ring
f = ?
k = key ring
m = money clip
pm - bookmark
rb = ring bronze
rs = ring silver
s = studs
t = tie tack
tb = tie bar
This list isn't complete, as I have found several pins/ear rings/keyrings not listed. In which case, if I have the item and can recognise which suffix is needed.

Pin 1020 - Nick Fury's Patch pin... WTF! Where did they get this image? And why did they make it into a pin?

Punisher Bookmark #139PM
I'm not sure if this is a complete list of variant bases and colours, as I've had reports of other pins with differences. Which I think is down to re-issues Planet did on some pins.
Planet pin #027 - the American was made - it just isn't a Marvel pin - The American was a Dark Horse comic