Recent Additions
It has been pointed out to me (hi Mum) that people are finding it difficult to find any new additions I have made to this site. I've added the date the item arrived at my home.

Arrived 18/01/17

Arrived 18/01/17

Arrived 18/01/17

Arrived 18/01/17. Tales of the Beanworld.

Arrived 18/01/17. Tales of the Beanworld.

Arrived 18/01/17. Tales of the Beanworld.

Arrived 03/01/17.

Arrived 03/01/17.

Arrived 03/01/17. An X-Man

Arrived 03/01/17.

Arrived 18/01/17.

I got this about eight years ago & had forgotten to add to this site.
January 2017 - I've had an excellent month for pin's. My usual source, eBay, seems to have dried up for any original pins. Many thanks to Adam & Michele for finding and selling these to me.

Made in 1992. Brought on eBay.

Made in 1988. Swapped / traded for a "Thing in a mask" pin.

April 2017 - Two new pins. A white Image logo and The 'Nam logo.
May 2017 - Bone Box set - better images can be found in the Box Set section & Independents.
June 2017 - It has been pointed out to me that the unknown X-O Manowar character pin, is in fact the Armorines and the pin is based on the cover of Armorines #0. I've updated the pin listing and added the cover to the side of the screen as a comparison. Also I've added the cover & pin to the "Matching the Image" page. Many thanks Erick.
October 2017 - Life Is Hell by Matt Groening. I actually brought these in July and they arrived at the end of August I just haven't got around to adding them. I'm finding it more and more difficult finding new pins by Planet Studios to add. I either can't find any new one's or if I do, they are being sold for silly money. I'm not going to spend $30 on a pin then $20 for shipping.

March 2018 - I haven't brough any Planet Studio pins in ages due to the price. I've brought a new computer, as the old one has been crashing every few minutes for about two years, which made it very difficult to do this site. So I may finally finish this site soon.
I've found five comic images that the Elektra pins were based on & added them to the "Matching The Image" part of this webpage.
March 2019 - I still haven't seen any pins I could afford though I have seen some I'd like. The cheapest postage to the UK, is now is £10.95 and when you add that to the higher prices these pins are commanding I doubt I'll get any more. So I've started adding pictures that have been sent in. Many thanks to Ryan Marks for some images of X-Men 30 Years box sets, Wolverine Pin Gallery, and a few cover pins.
I've had an interesting e-mail from a lady who worked in Marvel Marketing in the early 1990's who says that Planet Studio's was a Mum & Pop company run by a couple and they stopped due to ill health and falling sales. She offered me a interesting variation - Black Spider-Man #299 that doesn't have have the black edge ring and some silver pewter pins. I work nights & was slow to respond to her emails... I offered a (what I think) reasonable first offer of $10 for the enamel & $15 for the silver pewter pins I liked, waiting to be bid up. She was sure I was cheating her as she was expecting a lot higher bid, so cut off all communication. Oh well...

July 2019 - I've brought my first Planet pin in over a year. Offered to me after somebody brought a job lot of pins with several duplicates and a surfer pin being one of them. He also offered to swap a Warlock pin for a gold bare Venom pin, which I accepted. He's also got an Emplate pin (villian from the !st series of Generation X that I've never seen before.

August 2019 - I've just added a Voodoo Pin which was swapped for a spare Deathlok pin I had. the image looks like it has been taken from a Swimsuit Special... yes, sadly they did have such things in the 1990's.

February 2020 - Found and added SNIKT to "Matching the Image".
May 2020 - Huge news. I have been given a list of Planet Studio's Pins & Jewellery: Marvel Product Inventory. I've added these lists and will be adding the pin numbers to the individual pins and if the pin has any variants, like colour or base. This is going to take me a while to do. It was pointed out to me a seller on eBay had added a photo-copied list on some of his listings... I've asked his premission to reuse them & he agreed... then he added a whole load of advertising for Planet which I've copied.
I've also found that a pin I'd dismissed as a Planet pin because it was a little larger and wasn't one of Planet's usual subjects. It's the American. The pin is a copy of the first issue cover, so I have also put it amongst the "Matching the Image".

Added 07/05/20

also added this Spider-Man pin. Made in 1994. Planet pin #M1-14 or M1-20 - I'm unsure as I don't that the blister pack it came in. Soft enamel pin.
Added 15/5/20.

This is one of my favorite pins. The issue it's from is the Incredible Hulk #370 and the art is by Dale Keown. There is another pin of this image where the Doctor is completely white (in his astral form) with a black background.

I found quite a few comic images in the last few days - so rather than spoil it just go to Matching the Image
Almost finished... added all the Planet pin numbers I can recognise, added an advertising page & a Planet pin number page (with notes if using a PC). Also found sixteen image swipes and tidied how this site looks on a mobile phone (not easy). I've also started a page to show what Marvel pins came before, during and after Planet was in business (1987-1996). I'm including fantasy pin's because I think some of them are really cool and uphold the Planet standard... unlike some of the Disney designed one's, that at times are frankly large and poor image choose.
A few months ago, I recieved an email from the ex-owner of Planet Studio's, who gave me a brief history of the company, pointed out an error I had made (Cerebus is not Planet). And was horrified about the Saggay story and assured me all his pins were licenced. Here's the letter in full.
This afternoon I was refered to your site documenting the comic book
character pins of planet studios.
The photos of your collection are truly extraordinary. I imagine this
took a good deal of time and effort.
I might be able to answer some of your questions since my late wife
started the company in 1986 as you noted. She was Elizabeth Barry, aka
Libbey Saul.
After a time I got pulled into it as she had taken on a pretty good
financial commitment to make her plan work. Together we ran the company
until 2003. I sold the company in 2007. Planet Studios was never much
beyond a home based business, but we had met a lot of wonderful people
and it paid the bills.
While I haven't pursed your site in great depth yet, I would offer one
correction. The Cerberus pins you show as ours were from Graphitti
Designs not us.
I can't believe you came up the Moebius stuff. That's pretty obscure.
We also did a few things for Kitchen Sink Press.
I think the rest of what I saw was our stuff. Just for the record none
of our comic based products were bootlegs. We held the licensing rights
to everything we did.
Interesting story about Saggay Pins, I had never heard of that.
You're correct in that we produced comic stuff from 1987 until around
1996 or so. That was about the time when there was bankruptcy and
consolidation among the product distributors to comic shops, our primary
customers. Also the publishers were demanding more money than we felt
comfortable with. After that we moved away from licensing and sold more
of Libbey's designs geared more to the general gift market.
I also want to thank you for admiring and collecting our pins over the
years, if not for folks like you none of it could have ever happened.
John Barry
formerly of Planet Studios, Inc.
Added three pin's - Wolverine smoking (which is a rare variant). Gen13 logo & Caitlin Fairchild. I've also recieved two rings , Venom & X-men logo from a great friend, Khurram.
I've also found a new swiped image... the Astonishing X-men #2 was made into a Sabretooth pin see Swiped Images page.

25th December 2020
I've added a 1994 Planet Studio retail catalogue / advertising that Adam Konkle has found and gratefully passed on to me... It can be be found in the Planet Studio Advertising section (link). This webpage wasn't really designed with mobile phones in mind, so I really recommend if you want to get the best use, use a PC or a tablet
13th December 2021
Added three new (ish) pins today. Gambit and the Human Torch I have had for a while, I just didn't want to open the bubble packs to scan them.
But I just recieved the Emplate pin yesterday (many thanks to James Hernandez who swapped with me). This, to my mind, is one of the best pins Planet ever made. The scan I've made can't show you how bright the colours (yes, I'm British) are. Also, I think it has been made in a slightly different way - the gold and purple seem to have been painted on, then lacquered with a clear coat, giving it an almost 3D effect.
I've added a list of pins I'm missing that I've found the Planet pin numbers to. But also interested in any non Marvel pins not listed on this web page. Also tidied up... really sorry about all the spelling mistakes on this website.
As a collector, I suppose it's not good letting people know what pins I'm after, but I expect these to be the last pins I'm going to receive for quite a while... The Planet pin market is going crazy... Where I used to buy pins for $5 on eBay, they are now going for between $22.99 to $49.99 and that's for the common one's. The rare ones are now selling for $100+ (one of the pointers to tell if it's rare, if only one pin is being offered on eBay and you have never seen it before). I don't know if these pins are selling, but I can't afford it. I actually blame myself in part for the price increases. By creating this website, I've shown people a list of things to collect and what with Disney and the MCU popularity, these pins have been collected like hotcakes (bad metaphor, I know). When I started, there were very few people specialising in collecting just comic pins.

I have also added another swipe - X-men #11 and combined my "Contact" tab with the "More" stuff tab - It makes the top look clearer.
14th December 2021
Added another swipe - Bloodhawk from X-men 2099.
I still haven't really finished this website, my fault... But I'm working towards it. I've added a section called "What Came Before... And After" showing what Marvel pins have been produced over time, showing why I'm a fan of (mostly) Planet Studio Pins. I'm going to include Fantasy Pins (fan made pins) that I have because, to me, they are better designed than most of the one's Disney now produce.
20th February 2022
I've corrected the pin list for Ghost Rider box set #165-167. It was listed as missing pin. I've been email some advertising that had been put up on eBay. Which I can't see, as the seller will only sell to the USA. Wasn't really interested anyway, as it is the pins that count.
Things I'm planning to add… Part 2 - It's been point out to me there are variants to certain pins with slightly different colours and date stamps. They are all legitimate. If a pin was popular and the stock ran low, they made more of them, and sometimes the colour was a little off. Most of these pins unless it was stated, aren't limited production runs. They made a lot, and if they ran out of a popular pin...they made more.
19th March 2022
I've added five keyrings that I wish I had, but lucky Adam Konkle has kindly taken some pictures of. He has also given me some other information and questions that I can only speculate about and will add to the main blog later. Questions mainly about different dates and colours on the pins and a very odd copyright stamp where I think a member of staff has inserted his name instead of Marvel Comics. Who is Toby Gleason?

3rd September 2022
A few more pins added - Dawn box set in Box Sets and independent Pins... Archie Comics, and a Golden Apple and Zorro pin. All added with the grateful help of Michael Tadlock, who sent me the pictures.
Also added another Matching the Swipe.... Punisher #40
7th December 2022
Lots of stuff added. A new section added called Re-Issues, Copies and Fakes. Removed the unknown pins page, as I have finally found the last unknown pin... Pin 1020 - Nick Fury's Patch. All done thanks to Adam Konkle and his buying some old Issues of Previews to check on the Planet adverts, which he has provided pictures and I have added. He also found an advertisement for pin #321 - Speedball, which I don't think was ever produced, but it looks great. Also added two AC Comic character pins, Ms Victory and Synn. A Punisher bookmark, which was too rich for me ($229 on eBay) and another Archie pin - Jughead.

7th January 2023
Updated the Re-issues, Copies and Fake page. I've added a couple of pictures of copies and added a point guide of spotting a fake/copy.
9th January 2023
Added three new images to Swipes. First was a Thor image that Robert Jones emailed me (Thanks). The while browsing the Facebook Comic Swipes group came across an Adams / Leifield swipe from X-Men #1 of Storm. Planet copied both. And while looking at X-Men #1 recognised the magneto head. Also added the Fury Patch to the main collection... I don't have it, but the image is good enough to include

!4th January 2023
Added a fake Thor pin to the Re-issues, Copies and Fakes page with an image provided by Robert Jones.
21st January 2023
Added another pin to the Swipes page after somebody spotted the cover of Ghost Rider 2099 #1. I then looked at my pins & thought there must be some easy ones to find, and I looked an Arno Stark, the Iron Man 2020. I looked through the limited series he first appeared in - Machine Man 2020 and nothing even close. I then saw an Iron Man 2020 Special from 1994 and found the image on the first turn of the page.
25th January 2023
Added some more images of Planet ear rings spotted on eBay - selling for a whopping 199.99 - Who can afford these prices? Also, a Pyslocke re-issue that is one of the worst Planet pins I've ever seen.

18th March 2023
Over the last month, with the help of James and Matt Evans, we have found over a dozen swiped images. Matt (who is a professional artist) has also pointed out that PS seems to like Jim Lee art, as most of the X-men and Punisher are done by him... I think, personally, it was just he was the main artist on both books. He has also pointed that the PS pins seen to fall into three categories, right off the page, altered off the page, and clip art. I agree.
14th May 2023
We have found a few more swipes. In fact, I've added a second help page because it was getting to be a pain scrolling all the way down. Also, I've been sent a Planet advertisement which featured a pin I had but hadn't thought it was from Planet - Mark Schultz's Cadillac & Dinosaurs. I've added both to Advertisements and Independent pins.

27th August 2023
I seem to have acquired a team that are hunting for all the original swiped images, and at the moment, are finding a few each day. In total, I believe we have found more than half of all the pin swipes. I'm enjoying adding & finding these.

One of the best finds. Usually only a single image was used, but for once, two images were combined, the cover and an internal panel, to make a single pin.

1st April 2024
I've actually been doing alot to the site lately... I'd run out of the Wix free picture storage limited , it was getting so hard to add any new picture's, I had to delete old pictures and resize them so it would give me a little more space and this was driving me nuts... So at the end of December, I bit the bullet and signed up for Wix paid site. I'm a nerd, but I don't like paying for it and it's over a £100 a year just to let you know about these pins. I'm not good at monetising things, but I thought I'd sell a few pins for some friends but thre has only been one taker.
Recently a friend has come in contact with an ex-worker from Planet Studio's who has been able to tell us what pins they made - some I already have in my general collection but had dismissed them as Planet pins because of the subject (British comic character, film pins, company logo). But he kept an example of most of the pins he worked on and I've seen a picture of most of the collection and there are a few pins I didn't know existed but am swore to secrecy. He has also filled in the historyand manufacturing processes they used to make these pins. I'll write it up when I have time. I've also added some new swipes.
