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Swaps & Trade's
I didn't originally intend to do any trading with this web page but people keep sending me requests to buy certain pins or to swap. To be clear - I am not selling any of my main collection - I have however, a few duplicates I'd be willing to swap for a pin I haven't got, on a one for one basis. I'm also willing to buy pins not in my main collection.
Below are my swaps -











Non Planet or Marvel Swaps
All of these next pins are comic related but not made by Planet Studio and most of them are made by Saggay.

Saggay pin -Frank Margerin - Photomaton ad pin

Saggay pin - Walter Minus

Saggay pin - Speedy Graphito - You are the world

Saggay pin - Speedy Graphito - Star System - petite

Saggay pin - Speedy Graphito - Star System - large

Saggay pin - Philippe Bertrand 4

Saggay pin - Philippe Bertrand 2

Saggay pin - Philippe Bertrand 1

Saggay pin - Jean Giruad - Lt Blueberry

Saggay pin - Hugo Ptratt - Corto Maltese - large

Saggay pin - Francios Thomas 5

Saggay pin - Francios Thomas 4

Saggay pin - Benito - Anagraphis ad pin

Saggay pin - Benito - No Speed Limit

Saggay pin - Claire Bretecher

Saggay pin - Daniel Torres 1

Saggay pin - Denis Lelievre - Pic - large

Saggay pin - Francios Thomas 1

Saggay pin - Francios Thomas 2

Saggay F'Murr sheep

Saggay F'Murr e=mc2

flash logo


Herman Vermin from Marc Hempel's Gregory

Tintin - Thompson and Thomson coca-cola

Tintin - 60 tears anniversy
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