Planet Advertising
Below is some advertising which Planet produced. The first is the oldest in-house advert for pin's dated from 1987. The second is a Pin Card the loose pins were sold on. Dated 1993, you'll notice the cost of pin's has risen by a dollar.

The next seven images are from a retail catalogue Planet sent to comic shops in 1994. This really looks better on a PC or a tablet.
I really like the cover page. And if anyone has any of the Beanworld or the Moebius pins for sale. Please let me know.
Again, many thanks to Adam Konkle for these images from his collection.

A different, later, catalogue where most of the pages were the same as the above. Except for a slight purple spider-web background pattern. Notice it gives the Planet pins numbers.

A Planet Studio's display case with cards… The cards slide into the case and the case rotates. I have seen poor examples of these on eBay where they are cracked and missing the cards. Wish I had one in this good condition. Thanks to Adam Konkle for the images and sharing part of his collection. Adam has a huge collection and is always willing to trade.

More Planet advertising spotted by Adam Konkle, mostly from the comic ordering magazine, Previews .

I've noticed a typo here - Both Punisher 2099 & Captain America Head both have the same pin number #313. Cap's Head is if fact #312

This advertisement answers a long-standing question - What is the gold pin with what appears to be two small lightning bolts, a reversed crescent and a wolverine claw tear... but no it's Nick Fury's eyepatch. I would love to know where they got the image and why they thought Marvel fans would know what it was. I didn't even think it was a Marvel pin until somebody posted me an image of the back of the pin. Also notice that gold pins only sell for $3.99 and cloisonné pins for $5.95.

This advert answers another question about re-issues. People have been asking me why the dates, colour and intrica on the back differs on some pins.

This is an interesting ad for Pin #321 - Speedball. I don't believe this pin was ever made despite being advertised. Speedball wasn't a popular character, having only lasted ten issues of his own comic before being incorporated into the New Warriors.

Another interesting ad found by Adam in his Previews catalogues. A poster of the 1st hundred Marvel pins that Planet produced. Does anyone have one? If so, please send me a picture
This advert features at least five pins and a jigsaw puzzle Planet made that I've never seen before. Also made me realise the Mark Schultz pins I have, were made by Planet which I had discounted because it's slightly larger and thicker than the normal Planet pin, more like a modern pin. I would love the Little Nemo and Moebius pins. Also notice the background pattern, this is the pattern on the rear of most of Planet's pin - I've been calling it the waffle pattern.

Adam Warlock Clasp pin. I have never seen or heard about this pin until I was shown this... and God! Is it ugly...
Also, I'm sorry about the watermarks, but I can't believe people are selling these adverts on eBay... and who is buying them?


Planet supplied the "Collector's Pin Inside" for the Sega Genesis game - "Captain America and the Avengers" in 1992. Based on their 1988 pin (#08) .


These next four advertisements were sent to me from an Image fan

This last image send to me, is I believe, a pin number list for Gen13 characters.