Matching the Swipe (pins 300 - 393)

X-Men 2099 title font - Pin 300. This font lasted all 35 issues.

ThunderStrike - Pin 301. This swipe is from ThunderStrike issue #1.

Wolverine - Pin 302.

Cyclops - Pin 303. Swiped from X-Men Unlimited issue #1, page 1

Wolverine - Pin 304. Wolverine - from the hologram on Wolverine #75. I only recognised this because I was flicking through the latest Marvel Omnibuses, and saw Wolverine Omnibus Vol: 4. But because this hasn't been released yet, finding the origin of the image was a pain. The open mouth also threw me.

Nightcrawler - Pin 305. Base on the hologram from the cover of Excalibur issue #71. The holograms don't look like the same image, but that's because it's a 3D image at an angle, hence the original art.

Bloodaxe the Destroyer - Pin 306. Swiped from Thunderstrike issue #1, page 15.

the Vision - Pin 307.

Jubilee - Pin 308. Jubilee - From the Uncanny X-Men issue #271 page 5.

Avenger symbol - Pin 309. I originally thought this was from the title font, and it is, but I'm also sure this is the roundel on the back tail of the Quinjet. But I haven't found it yet.

Spidey Head (Modern) - Pin 310. I'm sure this is another barcode box image, but I can't find it.

Midnight Sons logo - Pin 311. The Midnight Sons corner symbol, as explain in Bullpen Bulletins from Ghost Rider issue #44. December 1993.

Captain America Head - Pin 312.

Punisher 2099 corner box logo - Pin 313. This corner box logo appeared in most issues of Punisher 2099 from #1 - 29. But the logo actually appeared first, in issue #1 page 6 as an electronic means to hide his identity.

Spider-Man 2099 - Pin 314.

Ghost Rider symbol - Pin 315. This symbol first appeared in Ghost Rider issue #1 as the petrol cap to the Hell bike that Danny Ketch touched to become the Ghost Rider. But it also became the symbol for the Siege Of Darkness series that spanned multiple comics in 1993-1994.
These are the first look and clearer image of the hellfire petrol cap, from issue #1.

Storm - Pin 316. X-Men #1 rear cover - by Jim Lee. Storm has been re-coloured from a black uniform to a white one, but other than that, it's a straight copy. I hadn't realised the drawing is actually a swipe from the earlier X-Men Annual #12 (1988) by Art Adams. See pin 049. So this is a swipe, of a swipe, of a swipe.

Hulk in a Santa hat - Pin 317.

Cable with Ouchmaker - Pin 318. Cable - from X-force issue #25 page 10.
Many thanks to Robert Jones for finding this image while browsing.

Magneto Helmet - Pin 319. Magneto, from X-Men issue #25 page 4. I had thought, originally, that this had been taken from the cover of X-Men issue #1, but looking closer I believe this is the swipe. You have no idea how many times they zoomed into Magneto's helmet.

Daredevil - Pin 320. Frank Miller Daredevil 1993 poster. I believe this art image, was only made for this poster. I honestly thought, for a long time, that this was a corner box or at least an internal panel.

Pin #321 is listed a Speedball, but I don't believe this pin was ever made. Adam Konkle found this ad in an issue of Previews. Great pin, but still don't think it was ever produced. But we did find the swipe - New Warriors issue #18, page 9.

Gambit title font - Pin 322. This font first appeared in the Gambit (1993) issue #1. Throughout the series, the font is stretched and narrowed, as per issue #1. Another foil cover.

Daredevil Armour - Pin 323. Daredevil armour that featured in the Fall from Grace story in Daredevil issue #321 page 11. This armour only appeared in about six issues. Which is a shame, because I think it's quite natty.

War Machine - Pin 324.

The Thing in a mask - Pin 325. The Thing appeared in a mask from between issues #375 to #384, and he wore it to protect and hid his face after the Wolverine clawed half it off. Swiped from the Fantastic Four, issue #383, page 13

Jean Grey - Pin 326. Jean Grey - from Uncanny X-men issue 293, page 4.

Spider-Man corner pin - Pin 327.

Xavier School crest - Pin 328.

Sabretooth - Pin 329. Sabretooth from X-Men issue #6, page 19. When I found the another Sabretooth pin (221), this was on the next page. Also, on the next panel, a Wolverine swipe (pin 347).
I still can't get over the blue mouth.

Bloodhawk - Pin 330. Bloodhawk - taken from X-Men 2099 issue #3 page 2.

Gambit - Pin 331.

Ghost Rider 2099 title font - Pin 332. Taken from the cover of Ghost Rider 2099. Yet another foil cover.

Hulk - Pin 333. Taken from the cover of Fantastic Four issue #348. The pin was produced in 1993 and the comic in 1991, when the Hulk was Grey, so they re-coloured him.

the Beast - Pin 334. From X-Men issue 13, page 8.

Spider-Man - Pin 335. Originally found on a Flair Trading Card (1994) Spider-Man : Maximum Carnage Part V #139. But the true swipe is Amazing Spider-Man 336, page 13.

Wolverine corner box - Pin 336. By Jim Lee from Uncanny X-Men #268 corner box - the only issue to feature this image. This is an altered image pin, where Planet has slightly changed the original image to fit the current (at the time) storyline - the comic was from 1990 and the pin from early 1994. Found by Matt Evans.
I do think Marvel has missed a marketing point for getting rid of the corner box. With it, you could tell you were reading a Marvel Comic. It added a bit of branding, and it was fun when they changed them.

the Green Goblin - Pin 337. Taken from Amazing Spider-Man issue #312, page 4.

Iron Man 2020 / Arno Stark - Pin 338. Iron Man 2020 Special #1 from 1994 1st page. I was looking at my pins and thought, "come on, Arno Stark must be easy to find". ! So I looked through the Machine Man limited series where he first appeared and no luck. Then found an Iron Man 2020 Special and this image. It's strange to think how 2020 was so far in the future in those days.

Gambit - Pin 339.

Meanstreak - Pin 340. Meanstreak is from X-Men 2099 issue #5, page 23.

Hulk - Pin 341. The Incredible Hulk issue #377 - Swiped from the cover and the corner box. The corner box image only appeared in this issue.
The cover itself has been swiped by other comics, numerous times, from She-Hulk to Conan.

Deadpool - Pin 342. From the cover of the mini-series, Deadpool : The Circle Chase, issue #2, cover. I think they have altered his head. This was always an odd one as I could never be sure which way it went.

Professor Xavier - Pin 343. This image was found on eBay as PROFESSOR X / 1992 Marvel Universe Series 3 (Impel) BASE Trading Card #41. Whether it's an original image or a swipe, I'm not sure.

Bishop - Pin 344.

Strong Guy - Pin 345.

Pyslocke - Pin 346. I was never a card collector, but Mark Evans sent in a few swipes where the pin is based on a card, so I thought I'd have a look. I found two after about 15 minutes.
Pcylocke - I'm not sure which card came first, but I'm guessing the 1992 card and the painted version was a later series.

Wolverine - Pin 347. Wolverine copied from X-Men issue #6, page 19. I've literary had this whole page sitting on my computer for a month, because the first panel is a Sabretooth swipe (pin 329). Only when cropping the image did I discover this.

Venom - Pin 348. From, Venom: Nights Of Vengeance issue #2 cover

Cannonball - Pin 349.

Cyclops - Pin 350. This looks like Mike Migola (Hellboy) art to me. He did a short run on X-Men or Uncanny X-Men... I'll have to look.

Nightcrawler - Pin 351. From X-Factor issue #106, page 47.

Silver Surfer - Pin 352. Taken from the Silver Surfer issue #17 cover.

Elektra crying - Pin 353.

Punisher - Pin 354.

Hobgoblin and Pumpkin Bomb - Pin 355.

The Lizard - Pin 356.

Rogue - Pin 357. Taken from X-Men issue #2, page 5. This was one of the most copied images that Planet used, making four other pins using this picture.

Scarlet Spider - Pin 345. From the cover of the Web of Spider-Man issue 118.

Generation X symbol - Pin 359. Appeared in the title of Generation X but only, surprisingly four issues #1-4, before being replaced by a more anarchistic X with the O like it was spray canned on.

Thor - Pin 360. From a Flair card... I'm unsure if this is the original image. I don't understand card collecting... Is it Flair or Fleer? How do the numbers work.

Venom in a Santa Hat - Pin 361. The Venom face is taken from pin 262.

The Thing in a Santa Hat - Pin 362. An original Thing head , unlike most of the Santa Hat pins. I think it is because the Thing's Head pin (#41) is quiet small.

Jubilee - Pin 363. This image was found on a 1994 Marvel Flair card... I'm unsure if this is a copied image, as the cards sometimes copies a comic image.

Skin - Pin 364. Taken from Generation X issue #1 page 10.

Penance / Hollow - Pin 365. Swipe take from Generation X issue #2 cover.

Strong Guy - Pin 366. Taken from X-Men issue #36, page 9. The image is a lot larger, but we were able to spot this hidden in the corner.

Venom - Pin 367.
Venom - Pin 367. Swipe found in Amazing Spider-Man issue #315 page 4.

Wolverine in a green jacket - Pin 368. Swiped from Cable issue #16, page 22.


Sabratooth & Wildchild from the Age of Apocalypse - Pin 370. Taken from the rear cover of the X-Men Alpha.

Wolverine from the Age of Apocalypse - Pin 369. Taken from the front cover of the X-Men Alpha, which introduced the Age of Apocalypse.

"M" - Monet St Croix - Pin 371.

Rogue - Pin 372.

Wolverine - Pin 373. It took me a while to recognise this swipe from Wolverine (1988) issue #88. I think it was the closed mouth that made it unrecognisable to me.

Emplate - Pin 374. Emplate, Swiped from Generation X issue #1, page 30. A friend asked me to identify who the character was, and I found this image straight away.

Sabretooth from the Age of Apocalypse - Pin 375. Taken from the cover of the Astonishing X-Men issue #2.

Rogue - Pin 376. Swiped from X-Men issue #38, page 7.

Gambit - Pin 377. Found in Wolverine issue #87 page 2.

Jubilee - Pin 378. Swiped from the rear cover of the Uncanny X-Men issue #378.

Spider-Man - Pin 379. Swiped from the cover of Spider-Man Adventures issue #1. A foil cover , so it hasn't scanned out very well

Doom 2099 - One Nation Under Doom - Pin 380. This appeared as a 2099 advertisement for the storyline where Doom takes over the 2099 world. It also appeared on the covers of Doom 2099 issue #29 and Punisher issue #28. It was also going to be used as the cover for a video game that was never made.

Storm - Pin 381. Swiped from X-Factor issue #102 page 6.

Gateway - Pin 382. This pin was never made.

Venom - Pin 383.

Silver Surfer - Pin 384.
White Queen - Pin 385. This pin was never made.
Wolverine SNIKT - Pin 386. This pin was never made.
Apocalypse - Pin 387. This pin was never made.

Carnage - Pin 388. Taken from Amazing Spider-Man #361, page 3. Also, a rehash of pin #277. I do not have this pin.

Pyclocke - Pin 389.

Cyclops - Pin 390. Swiped from X-Men Adventures issue #2, page 26. Funny drawn feet.

Gambit - Pin 391. Taken from a pretty bad pin-up, from X-Men (1991) Annual #3 page 58 pin-up.

spider-Man - Pin 392.

Punisher and a Bullet - Pin 393. This was the last pin number Planet produced. The main Punisher figure is swiped from the cover of Amazing Spider-Man Annual issue #15. I think the bullet and city horizon were drawn inhouse.