Independent Comics
Planet Studio's seems to have made more that just Marvel pins. During the period they were producing pins, the comic industry was going through some big changes. A few long-running independent comic companies went bankrupt, like First Comics and Eclipse Comics. Some high-flying Marvel artist's felt they weren't being paid enough for creating original characters, which they would then have no rights either, so they left Marvel and formed their own company, Image Comics, which promised the creators they would own their own creations.
Image Pins
I wasn't a great fan of the Image and Valiant comic lines, so I'm afraid I may get some things wrong.
Most of the Image pins are copyrighted to Aegis Entertainment, which is comics creator Jim Lee's personal company. Aegis Entertainment was a partnership making up Image Comics, which also included WildStorm (Which was a combination of WildC.A.T.s and StormWatch), the two comics he helped create after leaving Marvel.
All these are copyright on the back Aegis Entertainment Inc.​ or are characters are owned by the creator (see Huntsman) that have appeared in Image Comics.

WarBlade - from WildC.A.T.S. page 8

This cover is the template for the Huntsman pin.

Made in 1992. Copyright to Image Comics Press.

Made in 1992. Copyright to Image Comics Press.

Made in 1992. Copyright to Image Comics Press.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. Deathblow was a member of the WildC.A.T.S. and Team 7.

Made in 1993. StormWatch were the precursor to the Authority.

Made in 1994. Aegis Copyright.

Made in 1994. Aegis copyrighted. I believe this is part of a Gen 13 box set.

Made in 1994. Aegis copyright.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. Zealot was a member of the WildC.A.T.S.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. Zealot was a member of the WildC.A.T.S.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. Warblade was a member of the WildC.A.T.S.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. Zealot was a member of the WildC.A.T.S.

Made in 1995. Aegis copyrighted. One of Planet Studio last comic pins & one of the worst

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. Grifter was a member of the WildC.A.T.S.

Made in 1993. Chris Claremont copyright. Huntsman appeared in WildC.A.T.S. issues #10-13 and Cyber Force #9-11. That is the total number of times this character has ever appeared in comics.

Made in 1995. Aegis copyrighted. Spartan was a founding member of WildC.A.T.S. This is one of the last comic pins made and is I'm afraid very low quality. An embossed pin with a very thick border.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. First appeared in StormWatch issue #1 and also had his own series.

Made in 1994. Aegis copyright. Deathblow was a member of the WildC.A.T.S. and Team 7.

Made in 1995. Aegis copyright. Freefall was a member of the Gen13.

Made in 1993. Aegis copyright. For a long time I thought this was a Punisher pin but it has an Aegis copyright on the back. And I have been told by a WildStorm fan it is Deathblow.

Made in 1994. Aegis copyrighted. Voodoo first appeared in WildC.A.T.S. issue #1.

Made in 1995. aegis Ent. copyright. Swimsuit edition

Made in 1994. Aegis copyrighted. Caitlin Fairchild is a member of Gen 13. I believe this is part of a Gen 13 box set.

Made in 1992. Copyright is for Jim Valentino.

Made in 1995. Aegis copyright. Grunge was a member of the Gen13.

Made in 1994. Aegis copyrighted. Burnout is a member of Gen 13. I believe this is part of a Gen 13 box set.

Zealot - From WildC.A.T.S. issue #3 page 11.

Grifter - From WildC.A.T.S. issue #2 page 16.
The first issue cover of Shadow Hawk, which Planet uses as a template for the pin, with some editing.

For a long time I thought this was the Punisher, but have finally found the image this is based on - Deathblow 1993 issue#2 page 2 spread.
Valiant Comics
Originally, Valiant Comics was an imprint under Voyager Communications, which was established in 1989 by the former Marvel editor-in-chief Jim Shooter. It was discontinued in 1994 after being brought out by a video games company, Acclaim Entertainment. Valiant leased the 1950's and 60's comic character's Turok, Son of Stone and Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom.

This is a promotional poster for Ninjak, that has been used as the template for the Ninjak pin

Made in 1993.

Made in 1994. Copyright is Voyager Comm. Inc.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc. I wasn't sure about this then I noticed the red disc under his chine and what I thought was his hair is a gunbelt.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc. A great image, shame about the comic - a Voodoo superhero.

Made in 1994. Copyright is Voyager Comm. Inc.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc. I'd always thought this was Dr Solar but I've found out it's in fact his split personality - The Destroyer...

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc. A Valiant villain.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager. This pin is based on the cover of Armorines issue #0. (Many thanks to Erick for this info).

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc.

Made in 1993. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc.

Made in 1994. Copyright is Voyager Communications Inc.

Made in 1994.
This is the card that the Turok - Bionisaurus came in. All the pins listed on this card, as well as the Solar and X-O came in a similar package.

Armorines issue #0. This cover has been used as the template for the Armorine pin.

The first issue cover of Rai, published in 1992, which Planet uses as a template for the pin.

These pins have no Planet Studio markings on them but by the style, I'm sure at least the first two were made by Planet Studio.
Beanworld first appeared in various Eclipse Comic titles in the mid 1980's and had its own twenty-one issue series. It has have appeared in several comics since then, and is now being published by Dark Horse Comics.
​Beanworld features stories about the life and times of the Beans, minimalistic characters which Marder has been drawing since childhood. The stories borrow concepts from various world mythologies, popular concepts of ecology, and pop culture.

Made in 1988.

Made in 1988. Smaller than most Planet pins only 1.6cm x 1.8cm. this is Dreamishness, a sun-like being (possibly the Beanworld's actual sun!) with whom Beanish has daily, secret colloquies. By dancing, he finds he can prolong the ecstatic moment when she pauses directly overhead. Dreamishness can't stand the Goofy Jerks, who refer to her as a "hot babe".

Made in 1988.

Made in 1989. Copyright to Larry Marder Tales of the Beanworld. An inventor/scientist bean who also functions as the Beans' primary manufacturer and supplier of tools and weapons.

Made in 1990,

Made in 1989.

Made in 1989. On the back is printed Larry Marder - Tales of the Beanworld.

Made in 1990? Copyright to Larry Marder, Tales of the Beanworld. Goofy Jerks, shiny wormlike beings from The Big•Big•Picture, with large heads, buck teeth, dark glasses, and hats (which illustrate their specific functions). Goofy Jerks usually travel in threesomes and perform specific functions stated by the second word in their name.The first ones seen in the series were the Goofy Service Jerks, which brought "Reproductive Propellant" to Gran’Ma"Pa, leading to the birth of the baby Pod’lPool.
Dark Horse - Concrete
Again, another pin that has no Planet Studio stamp (which is normal even for the Marvel pins) but by the style and the patterning on the back makes me sure this was produced by Planet Studio's. If you check the Planet Pin Numbers, this is listed as pin #23... It isn't a Marvel pin, so I believe was included in error.
Concrete was created by Paul Chadwick and the series focuses on the life of Concrete, formerly Ron Lithgow, whose brain was involuntarily transplanted by aliens into a hulking artificial body which is made up of a substance that closely resembles concrete.
If you've never read any Concrete stories, I really recommend them.

Made in 1988. Planet pin #023
Dark Horse Comics - the American
For a long time I wasn't sure about this pin, it's a little larger than most Planet pins and is dated 1988 which is when Planet was starting, and they mostly did Marvel pins. So I ruled it out. I was given a list of all the pins Marvel produced (see Marvel Products Inventory) and there it was - pin #027 the American.

The American issue #1 -

Made in 1988 - copyright to Mark Verheiden - Planet pin #27
Moebius or Jean Giraud
In 1988 Marvel's Epic line printed a line of graphic novels of Moebius's most famous stories and a three issue novel called "the Incal". As with most of Moebius science fiction / fantasy, all the stories are very weird and trippy. Planet Studios was producing the Marvel pins at the time, so I believe they also gained the rights to these images by Moebius. I believe a number of companies made pins based on his artwork around the same time, but mostly in France (and illegally - see Saggay) but these are the one's that have a Made by Planet Studio's or have that Planet Studio style that makes me believe they produced it.

Made in 1989.

Made in 1989. This image appeared at the end of the Incal.

Made in 1989. The original image is white/grey & purple and is when the Proto-Queen appears to save John diFool from being castrated from a planet of clones of himself (very Mobius)

Made in 1990.

Made in 1989

Made in 1992. This does have a Planet Studio copyright on the back.

Made in 1990.

Made in 1989. Back just gives date & copyright Moebius.

Made in 1990. Copyright Moebius. This is from Moebius's story "the Airtight Garage".

Made in 1990.

Made in 1991. I brought this because I liked it but was greatly surprised and happy when I found the Moebius copyright on the back. I've no idea what it's from so if anyone knows, please enlighten me.
Jeff Smith's Bone

Made in 1994. One of three pins included in the Bone Box set. I haven't removed the wrapping in order to keep the value.

Made in 1994. One of three pins included in the Bone Box set. I haven't removed the wrapping in order to keep the value.

Made in 1994. One of three pins included in the Bone Box set. I haven't removed the wrapping in order to keep the value.

Made in 1993. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Made in 1994. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Made in 1994. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Made in 1995. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Made in 1995. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Made in 1995. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Made in 1995. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Made in 1994. Copyright to Jeff Smith.

Life Is Hell by Matt Groening
Life Is Hell is a comic strip started in 1978 by Matt Groening before he created the Simpsons in 1985.

Copyright 1980 - 1990. Matt Groening. All rights reserved.

Copyright 1980 - 1990. Matt Groening. All rights reserved.

Copyright 1980 - 1990. Matt Groening. All rights reserved.

Copyright 1980 - 1990. Matt Groening. All rights reserved.

Copyright 1980 - 1990. Matt Groening. All rights reserved.

Copyright 1980 - 1990. Matt Groening. All rights reserved.
Sirius Entertainment
Dawn - Glove & Rose

Sirius Entertainment was founded in 1994 and has published a few comics, most of which I've never seen or heard of. The few I did hear about didn't appeal. Their main titles were Dawn, Poison Elves and Akiko.
Made in 1995. Copyright to J.M. Linsner & Sirius Entertainment.
Dawn Pin Gallery
Many thanks to Michael Tadlack for providing these images.

Archie Publications Ltd
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Archie Comics were never a big thing in the United Kingdom. We did get a few other comics from Harvey that I can remember reading in the late 1960's early 1970's like Casper and Richie Rich, but I can't recall Archie.
Planet Studios made a set of Archie pins around 1996 - though on the box it gives a copy right date of 1994. Around that time, Planet were having trouble with Marvel wanting a bigger share and the comic market was imploding. Planet were obviously looking for new markets at around that time.
Many thanks to Michael Tadlock for the images.
Golden Apple

The Golden Apple pin was made for the Golden Apple Comics shop in Los Angeles around 1992 and features their 1990's shop mascot, Susie Owens, who appeared in a Dark Horse Comic they produced in 1992 called Flaxen. They may have had more pins produced for the store.
Thanks to Michael Tadlock for the pin images & Ryan Liebowitz from Golden Apple for the Flaxen issue 1 cover and cover photo's.

Zorro Pin

Zorro Pin, made in 1991. I knew Planet Studios had made so other media pins (Rem & Stimpy) but I didn't know about this one.
Thanks again to Michael Tadlock.
Americomics or AC Comics
These are two of AC Comic's main heroines from FemForce... Ms. Victory, based on a 1940's comic and Synn.
M. Victory - Made in 1993.

Synn - Made in 1993.

Cadillacs & Dinosaurs by Mark Schultz
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was a comic published by Kitchen Sink in the late 1980, early 1990's, written and drawn by Mark Schultz. A great series, but appeared very irregularly.
I actually thought this wasn't a Planet Pin, as it's slightly larger and thicker than a normal Planet pin, more like a modern sized pin. It does have the waffle pattern on the back as normal, but I'd discounted it as a Planet pin due to its subject and size. The only reason I found this was from Planet, is an email of a Planet advertisement was sent to me (thanks to James Hernandez) asking about another pin he didn't recognise.

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was a comic published by Kitchen Sink in the late 1980, early 1990's, written and drawn by Mark Schultz. A great series, but appeared very irregularly.
I actually thought this wasn't a Planet Pin, as it's slightly larger and thicker than a normal Planet pin, more like a modern sized pin. It does have the waffle pattern on the back as normal, but I'd discounted it as a Planet pin due to its subject and size. The only reason I found this was from Planet, is an email of a Planet advertisement was sent to me.
The Crow film
Made in 1994 for the Crow film, which was based on a comic of the same name created and drawn by James O'Barr. The first pin is of Brandon Lee who died in the filming of the film .

This is a soft enamel pin. The back has no pattern and a single pin. The wording says "©1994 by Crowvision".
This is laser etched pin. The back has the usual waffle pattern but an unusual double pin. The wording says "The Crow, TM & Copyright ©1994 by Crowvision".
Kitchen Sink Press logo
Kitchen Sink Press was founded by Dennis Kitchen and was started in 1970 and published comics till 1999. It started with Underground comics like Zap Comix and Bijou Funnies and later in the 1970's went on to reprint the classic comic strips, like the Spirit, Steve Canyon, Terry & the Pirates, Krazy Kat amongst others. In the 1980's it went on to publish some great comics like Xenozoic Tales, Death Rattle and Omaha the Cat Dancer. In the 1990's, it published the Crow, From Hell and Black Hole.

Judge Death from the 2000AD comic
Judge Death first appeared in 2000AD progs 149-151 in the Judge Dredd strip He was from an alternative world where the Judges had decided only the living cause crime, so life was a crime. He had killed his entire Planet and found Dredd's world to pursue his fight on crime. Finding this was a Planet pin was a bit of a shock to me.
I've had this pin for almost twenty years and never thought it was from Planet. It has the waffle pattern back and a copyright block that is unreadable… All I can make out is "all rights reserved". I have been assured by an ex Planet employee it is a Planet pin. There is another pin of just his name badge' like Dredd's, but instead of a shield, a skull with the name Death. I have a few like that but not the Planet one.

The Tick

The Tick originally started as an underground comic much like the TNMT but was made into an animated series by Fox that was shown between 1994-1996. These pins only a have a © 1994 F.O.N. which I'm guessing is something like Fox Online Network. These are Planet pins as an ex worker has shown me these, and a few other Tick pins they made. It also has the waffle pattern back and the first pin has the distinctive geometric triangle which Planet did a few times.
Mars Attacks film pin

Mars Attacks emblem pin. I can't find any visual verification that this is a Planet pin or even a Mars Attacks pin, but the copyright © 1994 The Topps Co. Inc. is printed on the back and an ex-Planet Studio worker says they made it.
Nancy by Ernie Bushmiller

Nancy first appeared in the newspaper strip Fritzi Ritzi which was about a flapper in the 1920's. It started in 1922 and Ernie Bushmiller took over the strip in 1925 and introduced Nancy as Fritzi's niece in January 1933 and in 1938 "Sluggo Smith", her best friend, was introduced. Also in 1938 the strip title was changed to Nancy with Fritzi being relegated to a secondary character.
These are small head pins. They have the Planet waffle pattern back, but I can't make out the back copyright or date. I have been assured they are Planet by an ex worker from Planet, who has one of these in his own collection. The Sluggo pin is actually a tie-pin, hence it is smaller than the Nancy pins. But I wonder if there isn't a full sized Sluggo

300 by Frank Miller

A 300 shield pin. This is from the comic and not the film which came out in 2006, but which was based on the comic and the Battle of Thermopylae. I brought this new and still have the backing card, which is dated 1994. This is a Planet Studio's pin and in fact there is a variant pin where the colour is more golden as shown to me by an ex worker at Planet.