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Matching the Swipe (pins 100 - 199)

Punisher - Pin 100.

Rogue - Pin 101. this swipe was found in Uncanny X-Men issue #213, page 3.

X-Men icon - Pin 102. This is actually Pin 102T (tie pin), as I don't have the full sized pin. Another pin that is so general, that we will never find the original image.

Ghost Rider : Johnny Blaze - Pin 103.

Damage Control - Pin 104. Copied from the cover of Damage Control (vol.3) issue #3. The symbol first appeared in the first series, issue 1, page 18,

Wolverine - Pin 105. Swiped from the cover of Classic X-Men, issue #1, by Art Adams

Namor, the Sub Mariner - Pin 106. Found in the Saga of the Sub Mariner issue #10, page 2. Did you know, his catchphrase in the 1940's, was "Pickled Penguins".

Incredible Hulk - Pin 107. In his budgie snugglers.

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Pin 108. This image is taken from the cover of a single issue comic from 1983, reprinting some Steranko stories with a new cover by him.

Captain America title font - Pin 109. This is an odd one. The font first appeared in Captain America from 111 to 117, then 136 and 137, but they were all one colour. The first tricolour font issue was #138 and appeared in most issues till #274. Tales of Suspense had a similar, Captain America font, but it doesn't have the curve.

Wolverine - Pin 110. Found on eBay on a T-shirt. I suspect this may be the origin of this image.

Thor - Pin 111. Taken from the backstory in Thor issue #400, page 36.

Wolverine vs. Punisher - Pin 112. Punisher / Wolverine : Africa Saga Special. Not sure if I would have ever found this one, so many thanks to Matt Evans for finding it.

Pin 113. - There is no Pin 113

Silver Surfer - Pin 114. Swiped from Silver Surfer issue #31, pages 46 & 47.

Warlock - Pin 115. Warlock - from Quasar issue #8... Of all the comics to find a New Mutants character, Quasar is not the one I'd expect. Great hunting.

Magneto - Pin 116. Magneto found in Captain America issue #368 page 11.

S.H.I.E.L.D. shield - Pin 117. The S.H.I.E.L.D. shield, found on the last page of Nick Fury Vs S.H.I.E.L.D. issue #1.

Wonderman - Pin 118.

the Red Skull - Pin 119. Great find, from the West Coast Avengers issue #55 page 8.

Captain America - Pin 119.

Punisher - Pin 120. Swiped from The Punisher : War Journal (1988) issue #13, page 15

Elektra - Pin 121. This was swiped from the Elektra Saga, issues #1, page 50. This comic reprints the Elektra storyline from the Daredevil comic from Frank Miller's run and was published in 1984. Frank Miller had done a few pin-ups for this series, most of which Planet converted into pins between 1988 -1991.

Iron Man - Pin 122.

Daredevil - Pin 123. Daredevil - from Daredevil issue #161, page 5, by Frank Miller

Wolverine vs. Hulk - Pin 125. Wolverine / Hulk from the Incredible Hulk (1968) issue #340 page 20. Published in Feb 1988. The swipe was found by a good friend, was of the Wolverine and Hulk fighting but when he sent the whole page I recognised the Wolverine image above it. Wolverine Pin. 075.

Ghost Rider title font - Pin 126. This font appeared on issue #1 -76 and from #87-94 of the second series.

Captain America 1941-1991, 50th Anniversary Commemorative pin set. As far as I'm aware, these were only sold in the box sets, and not individually.

Captain America - Pin 127. One of three pins from the Captain America 1941-1991, 50th Anniversary Commemorative pin set. I suspect the art for these is in-house. Mainly because of the cheesy grins and the swastika on the Red Skull pin.

Bucky - Pin 128.

the Red Skull - Pin 129. Love the grin and the raise eyebrow. Not sure about the swastika, especially in these days. My nephew (24 years) won't let me wear a Hydra symbol pin (not PS) as he thinks it looks too fascist, so I imagine this pin would really freak him out.

Spider-Man - Pin 130. Taken from Spider-Man issue #1page 2 &3.

Hulk - Pin 132. Found in the Incredible Hulk #370, page 2. Only found because I was looking for the page number for the Doctor Strange swipe.


Doctor Strange - Pin 133. Taken from Incredible Hulk #370, page 3. Planet did make a second pin with the same number with the Doctor completely white with a black background... which I don't have... and have never seen. One of my first and favourite pins.

Deathlok - Pin 134. From Deathlok (1990) issue #1 page 2. I'm not sure about this one, but it is the closest found so far.

Yondu - Pin 135. I don't believe this pin was ever made.

Bullseye - Pin 136. Found on the cover of Captain America #373. Another swipe found where you least expect it. And I was sure this was a Frank Miller swipe.

the Wasp - Pin 137. Swiped from the West Coast Avengers issue #60, cover.

Spider-Man - Pin 138. Spider-Man issue #1 cover by Todd McFarlane.

Punisher skull - Pin 139. Again, too generic for us to find the original image.

Ghost Rider - Pin 140. The original Ghost Rider... okay, not the original, but the first one on a motorbike, not a horse.

Meggan - Pin 141. swiped from Excalibur issue #12, page 11.

the Phoenix, Rachael Summers - Pin 142. Rachael Summers : Phoenix from the Excalibur Special : the Sword Is Drawn #1 cover. Found by Matt Evans

Deathlok title font - Pin 143. This font was used in the 1990 limited series and the later 1991 series.

the Lizard - Pin 144. From Spider-Man (1991) issue #1 ,page 18.

Ghost Rider - Pin 145. Swiped from Ghost Rider (1990) issue #5, page 30.

Captain America : Sentinel of Liberty - Pin 146. This is an interesting one. First, the list didn't provide a picture, just a brief note, Sentinel of Liberty... My mind immediately thought of the X-Men villains, the Sentinels, before I realised it meant the reproduction, 1940's, Captain America pin from Timely Comics. Also, it is a straight image copy, but the pins are different. The original is a very thin, rounded brass badge, with the colour and images etched in. Where as the Planet pin uses modern manufacturing methods and is a lot thicker.

Elektra - Pin 147. This was swiped from the Elektra Saga, issues #4, page 2. This comic reprints the Elektra storyline from the Daredevil comic from Frank Miller's run and was published in 1984. Frank Miller had done a few pin-ups for this series, most of which Planet converted into pins between 1988 -1991.


Iron Man - Pin 148.

Wolverine - Pin 149. Taken from the cover of
Wolverine #27.

Ghost Rider - Pin 150. From Ghost Rider (1990) issue 6, page 11.

Punisher - Pin 151. From the cover of the Punisher issue #41. I was watching a YouTube blog about a collector finding a hoard of cheap comics at a second-hand market (thrift store). And amongst the issues of his many finds, this issue flashed by....

Ghost Rider - Pin 152. From Ghost Rider (1990) issue 1, page1. The same image was also used on another photo etched pin A006. I think I prefer the original "I Ride Again" pin.

Wolverine / Weapon X title font - Pin 153. I thought this was from the Weapon X story in Marvel Comics Presents issues #72-84. It isn't, and I can't find an example of this being used. I've put the cover up so you can check for yourself.
the Thing - Pin 154. There is no picture on the list, and there are no unaccounted Thing pins, so I'm unsure if this was ever made.

Wolverine - Pin 155. Wolverine from Uncanny X-Men issue 268 page 5. This is the third pin from this issue, which also has the original images of a Captain America and Psylocke pin.

Spider-Man - Pin 156. Could this be the swipe - taken from Spider-Man (1991) issue #1, page 3.

Namor, the Sub Mariner - Pin 157. Swiped from the cover of issue #7

Punisher - Pin 158. Swiped from the cover of Punisher #40 - Same as the above (Punisher pin 151), I was watching a YouTube video of some bloke opening a stash of boxes he had been given and this popped up.

Xavier's School Crest - Pin 159.

Ghost Rider - Pin 160. Swiped from Fantastic Four issue #347, page 20. I only found this because I was looking for the Hulk pin 333, which was the cover of the next issue.

Ghost Rider - Pin 161. Ghost Rider, flaming skull. Based on comic corner box from the 1991 series, and appeared from issues #4 to #22. I'm not 100% sure this is the swipe, as the shape of the flames are a bit off and the pin looks like John Byrne to me.

Captain America's original shield - Pin 162. This first appeared in Captain America issue #1.

Venom - Pin 163. The first appearance of Venom from the last page of the Amazing Spider-Man issue #299 by Todd McFarland.

Ghost Rider - Pin 164. Ghost Rider - from Marvel Comics Presents issues #7, page 8.

Ghost Rider - Pin 165. Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider image taken from the cover of Ghost Rider (1973) issue 1.

Ghost Rider - Pin 166. Ghost Rider - Danny Ketch.

Ghost Rider - Pins 165, 166 & 167. Made in 1991 and a set of three pins. A limited series of 1500 of all original pins. It features both the hosts and the different styles of the character. Unfortunately, it also has a cover pin - which is a blank brass pin with a sticky label reproduction cover. These, if left on display or any light at all, will fade in time.

Guardians of the Galaxy symbol - Pin 168. A generic symbol, based on Captain America's shield, first appeared in Marvel Two-In-One issue #5 page 15 & 16. On the cover, there are star-shaped blobs on the Guardians uniforms, but not that you would know what it is.

The Spidey Spotlight - Pin 169. The spotlight first appeared in the Amazing Spider-Man issue #3, page 2.

Thor - Pin 170. Found in the Mighty Thor issue #427, page 20.

Captain America - Pin 171. Jim Lee from Uncanny X-Men #268 page 2. Found by Matt Evans

Spider-Man - Pin 172. This image appeared on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man issue #301. Which was actually a swipe of issue #300 where Spider-Man wears the black costume.

Pyclocke - Pin 173. Jim Lee from Uncanny X-Men #268 page 18. Found by Matt Evans

Punisher - Pin 175. The side box featured in most issues up to issue #30 and was rotated around with four other images. Punisher : War Journal issue #4 was the first appearance of this box. Many thanks to Matt Evans for finding it.

Captain America - Pin 175. Captain America - from the bar code box on all direct sales issues. This only appeared on issues sold in comic shops as it was deemed they wouldn't have barcode readers. This featured for almost a whole year, starting on the January 1991 issue of Captain America cover (issues #381 - #394) but also some other comics as well. I've known this one from when I first brought this pin, but forgot to include it.
Pin #176 - She-Hulk no.2 (may not have been made) There is only one She-Hulk pin that Planet made that my fellow collectors and I have ever seen - pin 067.

Hulk - Pin 177. After finding pin 133, I was enjoying reading the above story and after a few issues found this - Incredible Hulk #377 page 6.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Crest - Pin 178. Found on the cover of Nick Fury Vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. issue #1. I think it would have been cooler if they had used the original comic colours.

Feral - Pin 179. Feral - from the New Mutants issue #99, page 3.

Spider-Man - Pin 180. Amazing Spider-Man, issue #300. This is the issue where Spider-Man ditches the black costume symbiote/parasite he picked up in the Secret Wars, that later becomes Venom.

Thanos, the Mad Titan - Pin 181. Thanos - From the Infinity Gauntlet issue#1 page 12.

Silver Surfer - Pin 182. Found in Silver Surfer issue #49 page 4

Punisher, in the 'Nam - Pin 183. This pin was based on the corner box that appeared on only four issues of the 'Nam in which Frank Castle, before he became the Punisher, appeared. Issues #52 & #53, and issues #68 & #69

Elektra - Pin 184. This was swiped from the cover of the Elektra Saga, issues #1 This comic reprints the Elektra storyline from the Daredevil comic from Frank Miller's run and was published in 1984. Frank Miller had done a few pin-ups for this series, most of which Planet converted into pins between 1988 -1991.

Storm - Pin 185. The Uncanny X-Men issue #275. Storm and Gambit both featured on the cover.

Gambit - Pin 186. There were four pins made from the Uncanny X-Men issue #275. Gambit and Storm, featured on the cover, and another Gambit and a Wolverine pin, also the belt buckle seem very like the emblem pin 190.

Wolverine - Pin 187. Again from the Uncanny X-Men issue #275, page 7.

Pin #188 Lockheed cut out - This may not have been made, as there are two other Lockheed pins #088 & #253, and no other Lockheed pin has been seen in the wild.

X-Force - Pin 189. I'm surprised, I thought this was the title logo, but I can't find it anywhere in the 1991 series.

X-Men logo - Pin 190. A generic pin, though I do notice its predominance on the uniforms in the Uncanny X-Men, issue 275 - see pins 185,186,187 & 191.

Gambit - Pin 191. Gambit also featured in the interior art, of Uncanny X-Men issue #275, on page 11.

Angel - Pin 192. Rear cover of X-Men #1, between Storm & the Beast.

the Beast - Pin 193. From X-Men issue #1. This full cover has at least 5 pins connected to it.

Magneto - Pin 194. Swipe from Uncanny X-men #274 page 5. I wasn't 100% sure about this image but seen next to next... It is the one.

Jubilee - Pin 195. Swiped from Uncanny X-Men issue 276, page 5. I knew Jubilee and the X-Men only wore their blue and yellow costume for a relative short time and having seen the four pins from Uncanny X-Men issue #275, so I looked at the surrounding issues. I missed it the first time but found it on the second read.

Rogue - Pin 196. From Uncanny X-Men issue 269 page 12. Many thanks to Matt Evans for finding it.

Wolverine - Pin 197. Found in Wolverine issue #41 page #28 (last page).

Iron Man - Pin 198. Found in Infinity Gauntlet #2, page 30.

Wolverine "Snikt" brown - Pin 199. Found in X-Men Annual #15, page 63.

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