the Mighty Thor
Thor debuted in the science fiction/fantasy anthology title Journey Into Mystery issue #83 (cover-date Aug. 1962), and was created by editor-plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, and penciller Jack Kirby. Journey Into Mystery changed its title to the Mighty Thor on issue #125.
I haven't seen a Thor logo pin yet, I'm now not sure if they made one. The Thor logo changed around this time, so they may not have bothered. However, I have brought recently a fantasy (Fan made) pin with the classic Mighty Thor logo that looks excellent. Email me as I think the seller still has some.

Made in 1988. Planet pin #030

Made in 1990. Planet pin #111

Made in 1991. Planet pin #170

Made in 1991. Planet pin #Art1-e3 Kirby Thor. Part of the limited edition, boxed set "Jack Kirby Collection Vol.1". There never was a volume 2.

Made in 1990. Planet pin #94

Made in 1993. Planet pin #301

Made in 1989. Planet pin #097. Beta Ray Bill first appeared in Thor issues #337 (November 1983) as a cyborg monster who proves worthy of the power of Thor. Because written on Mjolnir is "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"

Made in 1993. Planet pin #306. A Thunderstrike villian. For a long time I thought this might be the Red Skull but thanks to Ryan Marks for correcting me.

Planet pin #360. Not part of my collection yet.

Unknown image found on ClipArt.