Matching the Swipe (pins 1 - 99)
When I started collecting these pins, I slowly started realising that the image of the pin had been swiped from the comic it was portraying. It slowly occurred to me that every pin was a swipe and I, being the nerd I am, and a team of swipe finders, have slowly built up a list of all the pins recognised.
There are some rules in finding these pins. The easiest to find is the cover art. These just sit in plain site waiting to be found. Then the internal art. More difficult to find, as you have to go through issues and issues before you find anything. But when you do, scan the whole comic, because Planet had a habit of using the same comic for multiple pins. It has also been suggested Planet had favourite artists, mainly Jim Lee. Maybe, I just think Jim Lee was doing some popular comics at the time (X-men & Punisher), and doing some good, easy to transfer, art at the time. The most difficult to find are the promotional pins, images taken from cards or posters. I have no experience in collecting cards or posters, and it's sometimes difficult in deciding if it's the original image or has been lifted from somewhere else. Lastly, Planet altered the images in some pins, so you may not be looking for a direct copy.
Okay, I've separated the swipes pages into six. Mainly because editing the page when we find a new addition is a real pain. I'm not good at computers and while Wix is a really easy site to edit, it does mean you have to move all the text and images individually if you want to insert anything. Also, scrolling down more than a hundred pins is tiresome.
This first couple of pin swipes are unknown, but it gets better.

Spider-Man - Pin 001

Spider-Man - Pin 002

Punisher - Pin 003 This is the cover of issue #6 of the 1st series of the Punisher, published in February 1988. Below is a Planet Studio pin made in 1987. Notice the pin is dated before the comic came out - even allowing the normal two - three months news-stand time, this pin was produced very quickly. I love the subtle differences, how the gas mask has become a scuba diving mask and the gas mist has turned into water. This was one of the first swipes I found.

Wolverine - Pin 004. Taken from Uncanny X-Men issue #216, page 4.

Wolverine - Pin 005. This swipe was taken from the Wolverine Limited series Vol. 1 issue #2, page 5. This is what Planet did... They took an image and altered it slightly, by adding the mask for the pin.

Wolverine - Pin 006 - This is a copy of pin 004 but a cutout - nothing but the character.

Spider-Man (In the black costume) - Pin 007 and 007a Black Spider-Man earring. Not the original image but the closest we have found.

Planet re-used the same image for a promotional pin for a Marvel Game on the Sega console.

Captain America - Pin 008.

X-factor logo - Pin 009 - This title font first appeared in issue #10 until issue #111.

Silver Surfer - Pin 010. Swiped from Silver Surfer issue #7 page 1.

Silver Surfer - Pin 011. I'm only 50% sure of this. I don't like the head and an arm are in a different placement, but you decide. Taken from Avengers Annual #16, page 21.

Spider-Man - Pin 012. Found on the cover of Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars issue #1. This is difficult to spot.

Longshot logo - Pin 013. First title font first appeared on the Longshot limited series, issues #1-6. The pin logo has been squashed a bit.

Daredevil - Pin 014. I'm sure this is a Frank Miller swipe, as the pose is so much his style , but I've looked all through his run, and haven't spotted it. Let me know it you find it.

Punisher - Pin 015. The very first Punisher skull Planet made. I'm not 100% sure of the swipe, but it's the closest I've seen. From the Punisher (1987) issue #3 letter page.

Fantastic Four icon - Pin 016. I honestly don't expect to find the modern swipe for this, as it is too iconic. I've checked, and the roundel first appeared on the cover of Fantastic Four issue #3 and on page 7, if you don't count the cover.

Cover of Fantastic Four Issue #3 and the first appearance of the FF roundel icon.

Elektra - pin 017. Found in the Elektra Saga mini series, published in December 1984. It repeats the issues from Frank Miller's run on Daredevil, surprisingly only four years after it first appeared. The issues have major colouring issues, but it does have some nice pin-ups by Frank Miller, most of which Planet made into pins.
This image appeared in issue #3 page 2

Elektra - pin 018. Found in the Elektra Saga limited series, published in December 1984. This image appeared in issue #1 page 2.

Iron Man - Pin 019. From Iron Man Vol 1 issue #233 page 4.

Iron Man - pin 020. This title font appeared from issue #210 till #291 when it was replaced with a very similar one, minus the bolts. I really didn't like the look of white/red Iron Man. Shoulder pads, way too eighties.

Uncanny X-men logo - Pin 021. This title font first appeared in issue #50 by Jim Steranko and lasted all the way till #393 with a few issues trying different ones along the way but always coming back to this iconic one.

Spider-Man - pins 022. I think this pin is based on the barcode box Spider-Man head. This was introduced in March 1980. The covers before this either had a barcode or a barcode with a line through it, indicating newstand distribution or direct sales to comic shops. There were problems, and frankly the barcode looks ugly. So in 1980, Jim Shooter ordered that Spider-Man's head be displayed in the barcode box for direct sales issues only. Over time, the comics editors were allowed to add art or anniversaries to the box. Planet has made a few other pins based on the barcode box.

The 'Nam title font - Pin 023. I never picked up an issue of this comic. In my youth, I was all about super-heroes and didn't have the money to look at this comic. Which is a shame because it has a long run by one of my favourite artist, Michael Golden. The earliest example of this title font found is a promotional poster in 1986, which also used the same colours.

Concrete - Pin 024. Concrete wasn't a Marvel character and was included in the list by mistake or before Planet devoted their pin numbers solely for Marvel pins.

Wolverine - Pin 025. SNIKT is the sound when his claws pop out. I'm unsure when it first appeared, but again it's so generic I don't think we will ever find the original swipe.

Conan title font - Pin 026. It has been confirmed that this is a Planet pin, but not based on the comic... but the film logo.

the American - Pin 027. The American is the second, and last pin included in the list by mistake or before Planet devoted their pin numbers solely for Marvel pins. The American appeared in Dark Horse Presents before having a very short series.

Doctor Doom - Pin 0028.

Phoenix - Pin 029.

Thor - Pin 030. This image was found on Clipart by Robert Jones and is the source of swipe, but we are unsure where the original art is from.

Wolverine Claws - Pin 031. Swiped from the Wolverine Limited series, issue #1 cover.

The New Mutants title font - Pin 032. This font appeared from issue#26 till the last issue #100

Daredevil logo - Pin 033. This logo appeared from issue #166 till the last issue #352. It is also a variation of the original Here Comes... Daredevil logo from issues #1 to #63. Also, this pin is tiny.

Hulk title font - Pin 034. This title font, first appeared in the Incredible Hulk issue #340 and still seems to be in use today.

Wolverine logo - Pin 035. This first appeared in the first Wolverine limited series and seems to have continued unaltered until 2014.

The Thing title font - Pin 036. The first appearance of this font I can find is Marvel Two-In-One issue #1 and still appears to be in use.

Avengers title font - Pin 037. This font appeared in Avengers issues #256 - #299.

Doctor Strange title font - Pin 038. This first appeared in volume 2, Strange Tales issues #1-19, and lasted till Doctor Strange : Sorcerer Supreme issues #1-4.

Punisher logo - Pin 039. I'm unsure when this started, as the first example I could find was Punisher Issue #97 and was published in 1994 - But, this pin was made in 1988.

Captain America's shield - Pin 040. Such an iconic image that it isn't really a swipe. The round shield first appeared in Captain America Comics in April 1941. If the colour is wrong, remember at the time Jack Kirby was notorious for forgetting how many circles and the colour order of the shield.

The Thing's Head - Pin 041.

The Amazing Spider-Man title font - Pin 042. This first appeared in the Amazing Spider-Man issue #2 and is still being used today.

Nightcrawler - Pin 043. Swiped from Excalibur issue #2, page 13.

Excalibur title font - Pin 042. This font was used from the Excalibur : the Sword is Drawn Special and origin issue. This font lasted until issue #49 of the title comic.

The Thing's Catchphrase - Pin 045. This first appeared in Fantastic Four issue #22 page 15 and has been used ever since. I have not found a version with a red lined speech box

Havok - Pin 046.

Hawkeye title font - Pin 047. First used in the Solo Avengers series (1987-1989) though a very similar font was used in the Hawkeye limited series from 1983 but that was slanted.

The Captain or later USAgent - Pin 048. Swiped from Captain America issue #349 page 2. The image is of the Captain & not USAgent. - When Captain America had his uniform taken from him, he wore this suit and was called the Captain. (Mainly because Marvel was worried that they would lose the copyright to the design to Jack Kirby). Later on, when the USAgent had been forced to resign and Cap got his suit back, USAgent then wore this suit.

Storm - Pin 049. I love it when you are just flipping through Facebook and come across an image you recognise. Found this on the Comic Swipes group, comparing this with the Storm figure in X-Men #1. This is page 1 from the X-Men Annual #12 by Art Adams.

Meltdown title font - Pin 050. A special three issue series starring Wolverine and Havok.

Galactus - Pin 050. Swipe found in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe issue 5, page 61.

Wolverine - Pin 051 & Pin 052. Smoking and non-smoking. The image is of Wolverine as Patch, which I haven't found yet, but the quote is from Uncanny X-men #162 and the full quote is, "I'm the best at what I do. But what I do best, isn't very nice".

Cyclops - Pin 053.

Spider-Man - Pin 054. Swiped from the Amazing Spider-Man issue #302 page 6.

Punisher : War Journal title font - Pin 055. This font lasted from issue #1 -74.

Colossus - Pin 055. This image appeared on the cover of Marvel Comics Presents issue#15. Also notice how the character title font has been moved to the bottom of the pin.

Spider-Man "Thwip" - Pin 057.

Punisher logo - Pin 058. This is the first instance I've found of it being used in April 1992, first in the barcode box, then as the corner box as well, until issue #36 when it was replaced by an amended skull. There is a half logo that appeared in the Epic Graphic Novel - the Punisher - the Return to Big Nothing (1989). But has shorter teeth and stops just above the eyeholes.

Punisher - Pin 059. Swiped from the Punisher (1987) issue #19, page 17.

Captain Britain - Pin 060. Excalibur Special : the Sword Is Drawn #1 page 39. Found by Matt Evans.
Not my favourite pin... I wish Planet had chosen another image because I think this one is too stiff and formal and at an odd angle. Also shows how silly those boots were.

Fantastic Four title font - Pin 061. An iconic title font, appeared from issue #1-119 but was rebooted again on issue #218 - 419.

Moon Knight - Pin 062. This cover appeared on Moon Knight issue #1 (1989).
This was one of my first pins... I loved the playfulness of it, the "Suddenly... Crash". Which I now find was completely Planet.

Silver Surfer - Pin 063. Swiped from Silver Surfer issue #15, page 1.

Grey Hulk - Pin 064. I'm sure this is from the Peter David run of the character but I haven't found the swipe yet.

Power Pack title font - Pin 065. This appeared on all the issues #1-62 of the first series. I really liked this comic, it had an innocents that was pure and a real family dynamic that was great when written well by Louise Simonson & with the art of Julie Brigman.

Mary Jane Watson - Pin 066. For a long time, I was unsure whether this was Jean Grey or Mary Jane Watson. But the question was answered when I got the pin list. And we've finally found the swipe, Amazing Spider-Man issue #302, pane 16.

She-Hulk - Pin 067. Sensational She-Hulk Issue #4 page 25 by John Byrne. Found by Paul Harralson.

Black Spider-Man - Pin 068. Unsure where this came from, but I'd start looking through the Web of Spider-Man.

Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. title logo - Pin 069. Thankfully this font only lasted from issues #1 - 19 before being replaced by the original series title font.

Iron Man - Pin 070. Found in Iron Man Annual #10 page 54 pin-up.

Daredevil - Pin 071. Daredevil - From What If? (1977) Elektra Had Lived, issue #35 page 8.

Doctor Strange - Pin 072.

Cloak And Dagger title font - Pin 073. This font seems to have been used on every series since the first limited series.

the Original Human Torch - Pin 074. This swipe is from the West Coast Avengers issue #50 page 17.

Wolverine - Pin 075. Wolverine / Hulk from the Incredible Hulk (1968) issue #340 page 20. Published in Feb 1988. There is a second swipe on this page, Hulk/Wolverine pin 125 that was found first, but I recognised this pin when I saw the full page.

Nth Man title font - Pin 076. This font lasted all sixteen issues and was never seen again.

Boom-Boom - Pin 077. From the New Mutants issue #78, page 17.

Captain America - Pin 078. This swipe is from the West Coat Avengers, issue #49, page 12

Rogue - Pin 079. Found in Uncanny X-Men Annual issue #12, page 31.

Warlock - Pin 080. Warlock - this image was found on-line, but there was no reference of where it is from, and I have been unable to find its origin. One of my finders has looked all through the New Mutants and still can't find it,

Silver Surfer title font - Pin 081. This font lasted from issues #1 - 33 in the 1987 series before being replaced by the original font. I actually think this was the better font.

Hobgoblin - Pin 082. Swiped from Amazing Spider-Man issue #260 page 12

Spider-Man's Tracer - Pin 083. The Spidey Tracer first appeared in issue #11, but it was gray. The first red tracer appeared in issue #53. This version, I believe, first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man issue 249.


Black Cat - Pin 084. I always thought she was sitting in a come hither sort of way... Taken from Amazing Spider-Man issue #306, page 9.

the Beast - Pin 085. Swiped from Classic X-Men issue #17, page 9.

Spider-Man - Pin 086. This is a close to this swipe I can find, from the Amazing Spider-Man Annual issue #1.

Punisher - Pin 087. This swipe was found in The Punisher Annual #1, page 22.

Lockheed - Pin 088. Lockheed, swiped from a 1987 card series. I think it is unusual that Planet used an old image for a pin and can only think of a few instances

Classic X-Men title font - Pin 089. This was a reprint comic with a few pages of added framing art to pad it out and make completists buy it. The font lasted its entire run, issues #1 - 45.

Shadow Cat / Kitty Pryde - Pin 090. Shadow Cat or Kitty Pryde, as I don't know if she goes under that name any more. This panel was taken from Ex-Calibur issue #5, page 6.


S.H.I.E.L.D. logo - Pin 091. This logo first appeared in Strange Tales issue #135, page 1 but was blue, white, blue. The first red, white and blue coloured shield 1st appeared in Strange Tales issue #137, page 12. However i believe this pin is based on the back cover of Nick Fury Vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. issue #1.

Mister Fantastic - Pin 092.

Doctor Octopus - Pin 093.

Mjolnir Thor's Hammer - Pin 094. Again, another iconic image that we haven't a hope of finding.

Captain Britain - Pin 095. Captain Britain - from the cover of Ex-Calibur issue #14, by Alan Davis.

Sabretooth - Pin 096. Sabretooth from Daredevil issue#238, page 1.

Beta Ray Bill - Pin 097. This was found in Thor issue 412, page 22. Strangely, the online comic sites only show the main story with the first appearance of the New Warriors and don't print this at all, though I expect Marvel Online does.

Wolverine - Pin 098. From Uncanny X-men #212, page 16, which was from 1986. So Planet was using back issues as well as current issues to find swipes.

Nightcrawler - Pin 099.