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Spider-Man pins

These pins are based on the Todd MacFarlane covers of Amazing Spider-Man issues #300 and #301 where Spider-Man gives up the black, symbiotic uniform and reverts back to his old spandex.  The black suit later comes back a few issues later, as Venom.

​​  Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko, his first appeared in Amazing Fantasy issue #15 (August 1962). Lee and Ditko conceived the character as an orphan being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and as a teenager, having to deal with the normal struggles of adolescence in addition to those of a costumed crime fighter.


  The period these pins were made between 1988 - 1993, Spider-Man was going through some major upheavals.  First there was the alien black symbiotic suit, then the whole clone wars thing and the Scarlet Spider.​ Planet Studios produced a number of pins to reflect the period.


Another Todd MacFarlane cover, for Spider-Man issue #1, that was made into a pin.

Some of Spider-Man's Friends & Villains

This is how these two pins were sold, with a black & white cityscape printed on a piece of thin card

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