Other Marvel Swipes
Planet Studio's also did other pins, and other stuff like pendents and rings which the image was also swiped from the comics, though most were just rehashing the other pins but in different formats like soft enamel and varying the size. If it is one of these copies and the image is already on the Matching the Swipe Pin Number pages, I'm not going to include it. The amount of time this has taken me and my team finding and then putting it on this computer is silly... At the moment the "other Marvel swipes" will be in no particular order, just as they are found, but I may put things like box sets together as I find them.

Spider-Man - Pin SM301 - Spider-Man's 30th Anniversary Box set. The swipe is taken from the Amazing Spider-Man Annual issue #1.

Silver Surfer - Pin Art1-e1 Kirby Surfer Vol.1. This is from the Jack Kirby Collection Vol.1 The swipe is taken from the Silver Surfer GN (1978) page 16.

Uncanny X-Men - Pin Art1-e4 Kirby X-Men. This is from the Jack Kirby Collection Vol.1 The swipe is taken from the Uncanny X-Men issue #7, page 1.

Silver Surfer - Unsure if this is BP#11 or BP#18 (Big Pin) Taken from the Silver Surfer Annual issue #5. Pin-up by John Busema and found by Robert Jones.

Punisher Meets Archie - Pin #PAR1 This was taken from the corner box of the Punisher Meets Archie Special and was repeated in a large format on the back page.

Wolverine - I don't own this pin but it is either #BP15 (BP=Big Pin) or pin number #A007 (photo etched). The swipe is from the cover of X-Men #11.

Scarlet Spider - no pin number. I've looked, and Planet only has one Scarlet Spider pin listed, and that's pin #358, which we already have. The swipe is take from the cover of Web of Scarlet Spider issue #1, which took over Web of Spider-Man for four months while the whole Clone Saga rolled out.

Weapon X - Pin #1022. This was taken from the cover of Weapon X issue #1, limited series, from the Age of Apocalypse storyline.

The Fantastic Four pin set - Pin #1015B. This pin set is based on The Fantastic Four cartoon (1994). I have never seen this, but to research this, I checked out the intro on YouTube. What an awful theme song - the animation was a little clunky, but at least Johnny hadn't been replaced by a robot. The stories seem to be the rehashed early comics.

Venom - BP #12 - Swiped from Amazing Spider-Man issue #374, page 10.

Maximum Carnage from the Maximum Carnage box set, pin MPC1B - swiped from a Flair '94 card.

Punisher Pin A005 - A photo etched pin based on the side box from the Punisher issues# 56 - 59, the Finale Days story.

Conan logo text, based on the film poster and not the comic.

Wolverine pin A007 - base on this panel from the Uncanny X-Men issue #248, page 1.

Gambit pin M1-17 blister pack pin - Swiped from X-Men Annual #1, page 36.

Silver Surfer gold or silver pendent - found at Silver Surfer (1987) Issue #66, page 4.

Gambit pin # 1007 (also used on lister pack series 1, M15). Takenfrom X-Men (1991) Annual (Vol 1) page 34.

Incredible Hulk (classic Grey Version) pin A003 - Swipped from The Incredible Hulk (1962) Issue #340, page 2.


Bishop pin #X303, which appeared in the third 30th Anniversary X-Men box set. Found in Uncanny X-Men (1963) Issue #293, page 3. Another one where if you blink, you'll miss it.

Silver Surfer pin #BP11 Swipped from the Silver Surfer (1987) Issue #31 cover

X-Men silver logo - I'm not sure what pin number this is, but it could be #1010. This pin has a 1994 date stamp and appears to be based on the X-Men animated that appeared between 1992-1997.