Miscellaneous Marvel & Marvel 2099 Pins
Planet Studios made lots of pins, Most can easily be placed into categories like their character name or the group affiliation (Avengers). However, some comic characters are quite obscure and not very mainstream.

The original Guardian of the Galaxy, which was set in the 31st century, were led by Vance Astro, a time displace astronaut who was inspired by Captain America. The Star & flag symbol was the team emblem, as can be seen on the chest of each of the characters.​

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 226 I think the colours are to do with their main heroes i.e. Spider-Man = blue & red, Hulk = yellow & green, the Thing = orange & yellow. Or I could be wrong.

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 226

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 226

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 210

Made in 1989. No Planet pin #. Soft enamel type pin.

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 223

Made in 1989. Planet pin #073

Made in 1989. Planet pin #063 The Power Pack series premiered in May 1984 (cover date August 1984) in a double issue written by Louise Simonson, penciled by June Brigman, and inked by Bob Wiacek.] The series continued through early 1991, during which time Brigman and Wiacek were replaced by Jon Bogdanove and Hilary Barta as principal artists, and Bogdanove eventually took over as writer. The series lasted #65. issues and was concluded in a Summer Special.

Made in 199? - Planet pin #143

Made in1989. Planet pin #076. Nth Man: The Ultimate Ninja is a comic book about an American ninja set in an unspecified near future where World War III has started. It was written by Larry Hama between 1989 and 1990, based largely on his success writing the G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero comic, Nth Man first appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #25 (August 1989). The series was meant to last for 24 issues, but was cancelled after 16.

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 241

Made in 1988. Planet pin #038. Doctor Strange logo from Strange Tales v2 and his "Sorcerer Supreme" series of the late 1980's.

Made in 1988. Planet pin #023. This is the logo of the war comic the 'Nam about soldiers in the Vietnam War. It was brought into the Marvel Universe when in a few issues Frank Castle (the Punisher) appeared.

Made in 1989. Planet pin #072

Made in 1990. Planet pin #133 There are two versions of this pin. The other is Dr Strange in the white astra form & black background. Doctor Strange "spellcasting", taken from artwork of Dale Keown from 'Incredible Hulk' #370 (although, in that issue, Doc was in his astral form.)

Made in 1993. Planet pin # 285. Adam Warlock is a synthetic being created by human scientists to become their ideal template for a new race of humans who would one day rule the Earth. However, their superhuman creation rebelled... He first appeared in the Fantastic Four in issues #66 - 67 as Him. This pin relates to the series "Warlock and the Infinity Watch" (#42 issues - Feb 1992 - July 1995) which started after the Infinity Gauntlet storyline.

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 233

Made in 1991. Planet pin #168.

Made in 1992. Planet pin #231

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 224. Deathlok was a Cyborg - Originally set in an alternative universe, Luther Manning was a dead man who awoke in a half machine, half rotting corpse as a body, which he had to fight control of from the internal computer installed. He first appeared in Astonishing Tales issue #25 in August 1974. This pin version is of the third Deathlok - Michael Collins who appeared first in a 4 issue mini series in 1990, then a #34 issues from 1991to 1994.

Made in 1990. Planet pin #134. This right hand side has a very silver finish which fortunately doesn't scan very well.

Made in 1990. Planet pin #106

Made in 1991. Planet pin #157

Made in 1989. Planet pin #062. I love this pin. The letter box "suddenly" then "CRASH". One of the first pins I ever brought though I wasn't a Moonknight fan.

Made in 1989. Planet pin #067. Based on something by John Bryne but I'm not sure of the source.

Made in 1992. Planet pin # 263. Chris Powell discovered an amulet that allowed him to turn in to the armored Darkhawk. He featured in His own series of #50 issues between March 1991 to April 1995. He also appeared a few times together with the New Warriors.

Made in 1993. Planet pin # 274. Sleepwalker claims to be a guardian of the Mindscape, a dimension that borders on the minds of all intelligent life. Now trapped in the mind of Rick Sheridan. When Rick sleeps, he escapes. He featured in his own series of #33 issues between June1991 to February1994.

Made in 1992. Planet pin #181. Mostly an Avengers villain, his main arch-foe was Captain Marvel, then when he died, it was Adam Warlock.This pin is based off of an image of Thanos from the pages of Infinity Gauntlet #1. He is soon to appear in the Avengers 3 film as the major villain.

Made in 1993. Planet pin # 217. for a long time I had no idea what this pin was. I was thinking Spider-Man 2099 or Marshall Law... The Planet Studio Marvel Inventory list has cleared it up. I've no idea where this image appeared though.

Made in 1993. Planet pin #288. Planet haven't got the colours right - no white in his costume.

Made in 1990. Planet pin #104. After the battle between Superhero and Super-Villain who cleans up the mess? Damage Control does!

Made in 1988. Planet pin no.#26. For a long time I rejected this as a Planet pin, it was too different. But the more I looked into it the more I was sure it was... I have been given proof this is a Planet pin and is based on the logo of the1982 film, Conan the Barbarian.
Marvel 2099
Marvel 2099 is a Marvel Comics imprint, started in 1992, that explores one possible future of the Marvel Universe.
The initial universe began with Spider-Man 2099, Ravage 2099, Doom 2099, and Punisher 2099 being launched in subsequent months. After fan requests Marvel provided X-Men 2099. They also introduced a Hulk 2099 in the series 2099 Unlimited, which featured occasional Spider-Man 2099 stories.
The 2099 series expanded to include Ghost Rider 2099, about a hero whose consciousness had been downloaded into a robotic body. Hulk 2099 was also given a brief chance at his own series.
As sales began to flag in 1996, when Marvel, during a cost-cutting exercise, fired the series editor, Cavalieri, many of the 2099 creators (including Peter David and Warren Ellis) quit the line in protest. With the line floundering, two additional titles were launched: X-Nation 2099, a spin-off of X-Men 2099, and Fantastic Four 2099, which featured characters who were apparently the present day Fantastic Four accidentally sent into the future. After sales slumped, the 2099 titles were canceled and replaced by 2099: World of Tomorrow, a single title featuring the surviving characters from all the titles. The series lasted only eight issues before being cancelled.

Made in 1992. Planet pin #300

Made in 1992. Planet pin #249. Ravage was created by Stan Lee in 1992 for Marvel's Marvel 2099 imprint. Ravage's first full appearance was in Ravage 2099 #1, which was released alongside other Marvel 2099 universe titles Spider-Man 2099, Doom 2099, and Punisher 2099, distinct among the other titles as Ravage was an original character, not re-imagined. The series ran for 33 issues.

Made in 1994. Planet pin #340

Made in 1994. Planet pin #330. I spent a long time finding out who this was.

Made in 2099. Planet pin #295

Made in 1993. Planet pin #269

Made in 1992. Planet pin #260

Made in 1993. Planet pin #255

Made in 1991. Planet pin #313. This logo featured on most covers of Punisher 2099, in the top left hand corner, of issues #2 to #27.

Made in 1992. Planet pin #256

Made in 1993. Planet pin #314

Made in 1992. Planet pin #251

Made in 1992. Planet pin #238

Made in 1994. Planet pin #332

Made in 1993. Planet pin #261

Planet pin #380. The words around the pin reads - One Nation Under Doom and related to a storyline of the same name. I don't have this pin, so many thanks to Adam for the image